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    Gout is caused by pus caused by uric acid that builds up in the joints. The toe bone is usually protruding.

    Consumption of meat and seafood in this disease increases the risk of the disease. Also avoid eating foods rich in purine such as lentils, beans, pulses, barley, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms and fermented beverages. 

    Gout is caused by an excess of uric acid in the joints, so its patients should consume foods that can reduce the levels of this acid.

    Let's talk about ways to treat this disease.

    1. Apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is very effective in dispersing uric acid. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water is used to cure the disease.

    2. Lemon water

    Lemon juice is one of the foods that are considered to break down the uric acid. Lemon juice not only disperses uric acid but also helps to expel it from the body. Vitamin C in lemons also causes a decrease in uric acid. The method of use is to squeeze half or whole lemon in a glass of water and drink it every day.

    3. Cherries and blackberries

    Cherries and blackberries are fruits that reduce gallbladder disease by reducing uric acid in the body.

    4. Grass water

    Grass water eliminates uric acid by balancing the level of alkaline in the blood.

    5. Vegetable water

    By using regular and plenty of vegetable water, we can reduce the pain caused by gout.

    6. Parsley

    Parsley helps to get rid of excess uric acid from the body. Parcels can be used between meals or by putting them in food. It can also be used in combination with lemon juice.

    7. Turmeric

    Due to the low absorption rate of turmeric in the body, 6 to 8 grams of turmeric powder can be mixed with honey and swallowed daily.

    8. Different types of tea that increase urination

    Drinking tea once a day that causes increased urination, such as corn hair is something that has no side effects. Its tea can be used.

    9 Carbonate

    A tablespoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water a day can be drunk, but patients with high blood pressure should avoid using it.

    10 Celery

    The method of using it is to cook 300 to 350 grams of celery with two and a half glasses of water. When the water starts to boil, close the lid of the pan and let it boil for 6 to 7 minutes on low heat. Then use in food form. If one does not like to eat it, let the celery boil for another 7 minutes on low heat and then strain it and drink it half an hour before lunch and dinner. Be careful to use it only in boiled form as a vegetable or its water should not be mixed with salt, pepper, ghee or anything similar. People wishing to use this method must consume 300 to 350 grams of celery three times a week for three months.

    In addition to these methods, apples, bananas, onions and pears should be used regularly. Basil leaves, lavender, rosemary and juniper oils can be used for massage.

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