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    No deaths have been reported from Omicron so far, according to the World Health Organization

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that no deaths have been reported from the Omicron type, and an investigation is underway to determine if the new strain is contagious and causes serious illness.

    WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeyer told a weekly press conference at the UN's Geneva office, citing a series of "new vaccines against omicron" by Moderna and Biotech Pfizer: It is better to start planning ahead and plan for the possibility of replacing the existing vaccine. This is better than waiting for the final alarm to go off. "

    Lindenmayer emphasized that it was important to note whether the current Covid 19 vaccine was effective against Omicron.

    Lindenmayer said that observations are being made in countries around the world where different forms of it have been reported and that after the results are reported to the WHO, they will have clear information about Omicron.

    The WHO has not yet received any reports of deaths due to the Omekron strain, Lindmeyer said, adding that research is underway into the new strain and that it will determine if it causes serious illness.

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