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    Germany signs agreement to form a new government

    The Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Green Party and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) have signed a new coalition government. Thus the phase of formation of the new federal government was completed.

    The signing of the alliance agreement in the German capital, Berlin, on Tuesday, paved the way for the formation of a new government this week. Talks between the SPD, the Green Party and the FDP continued in the weeks following the September elections. The formation of a tripartite government is now assured by the three parties agreeing on some important conditions.

    The German parliament will hold a vote on Wednesday to elect the country's chancellor, after which SPD leader Olaf Schulz will be announced as Germany's next chancellor. On the same day, members of the country's new cabinet will also take the oath of office. The cabinet will include seven SPD ministers, five Green Party ministers and four FDP ministers.

    "The results of weeks of negotiations have made this progress possible," Olaf Schulz said at the event, which was held at the Futurerium, an exhibition center for future technology in Berlin. He said that the new German government would start its work tomorrow. Schulz said the full force of the coalition government would be needed to fight the Corona epidemic.

    Robert Habeck, co-leader of the Green Party and vice-chancellor of Schulz's government, said his party's goal was to establish a "government for the German people." Habakkuk will head the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Climate. He said Germany, Europe's largest and the world's fourth-largest economy, faces major challenges such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring economic prosperity. Green Party co-leader Angelina Beerbock, who will take over as foreign minister in the new government, said the coalition was in line with Germany's social realities.

    Christian Lindner of the FDP will take over as finance minister in the new government. "We are not in a state of complacency, we are facing huge challenges," Linder said at the event.

    This alliance is also called the traffic signal alliance. The center-left political party, the Social Democrats, is known in red. The pro-free market party Free Democratic Party or FDP is known as yellow and the country's Green Party is known as green.

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