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    We must strengthen our resistance and military might: Jens Stoltenberg

    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said that in an uncertain world, the NATO alliance must strengthen its resistance and defense.

    Stoltenberg addressed a security forum in the Latvian capital, Riga, entitled "NATO Moving Towards 2030."

    In his speech, he mentioned the NATO strategic concept awaiting approval in Spain next year and said that the recent strategic concept document was adopted in 2010 in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal and since then many changes have taken place in the world. ۔

    Stoltenberg says Russia and China are cutting off the roots of a principled international order, and the balance of power is shifting. Democracy and liberties are under severe pressure. The new strategic concept document will be based on this aspect.

    He said that while strengthening democracies, it was important to strengthen the military. The current strategic concept document mentions law and order in the North Atlantic, but we are currently facing tests, such as Russia's aggressive behavior and China's growing global influence. In a world of uncertain futures, we must increase our resilience and military might.

    Jens Stoltenberg has said that NATO is an alliance of America and Europe and at present, the region is facing global threats, therefore NATO's Asia. It is important to strengthen cooperation with our allies and the European Union in the Pacific.

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