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    What is Metaverse?

    Mark Zuckerberg announced last month that the Facebook company he owns would be renamed. Simultaneously, animation (fake video) was released in which all the apps (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) are creating a new symbol by mixing their own logo which is the symbol of blue infinity. ۔ At the same time, the company has changed its name to Meta.

    The name and symbol signify Mark Zuckerberg's intention to create a digital world in the future and to call this world a meteor.

    Explore different worlds using different technologies. This is the world of numbers. In the digital world, we use digital language and tools such as smartphones, iPods, computers, laptops, etc. to access the Internet. Even today we are doing a lot of things using the same digital world, such as buying and selling online, reading books online, learning through video, finding a way using Google Maps, using digital banking. Billing bills, watching TV, videos, video calling each other, etc. We do all this work through the digital world, and Mark Zuckerberg wants to expand this world so that all work can be done at home with just the touch of a finger.

    We explain this intention in more simple words that in order to play the game you have to go to a different world where there are different times, there are different people and the rules of this world are also different. Such a world is called "Virtual Reality", which means a world that is only in your mind, your eye can see it. In the world of this game you can shop, move, drive, but all this is possible only with the gesture of your hand. Nowadays our new generation is controlled by numerous video games like PubG, Dota, etc. This world is virtual reality, and the weapons we use to get into it are called virtual devices, such as eye goggles, which you can use to get into the game world where everything is in 3D. , As well as the remote control with which you control the world. In this world you create your profile where you use a picture and name, this world of net is a world of virtual reality, called a digital world.

    The name change of Facebook is currently being considered all over the world. Facebook's other apps, Instagram and WhatsApp, which are converting to meta together, according to experts, the name, color and symbol of the meta indicate that people will easily enter the metaverse because blue Color symbolizes ease, security and peace, while Infinity symbolizes the expansion of the Metaverse. Facebook is currently used by 3.6 billion people in the world and Facebook is one of the largest companies in the world.

    To make the world of virtual reality a reality, Mark Zuckerberg plans to open his company's stores around the world that will sell their devices that take us into virtual reality. These devices are iGoogle, remote control, headphones, etc. This is Mark Zuckerberg's first practical step into a world that is so imitative. All these devices will make Meta Company and these devices will take you to Metaverse which according to Zuckerberg will be a much better world. He thinks that in this way people will have the opportunity to connect with each other as much as possible. When people wear headsets and goggles, it will affect their mind and their senses, they will feel good, this world. She will welcome them, call them to her, make them curious, they will feel new. Many of us still use the internet for hours and enjoy it.

    Mark Zuckerberg's idea is still being viewed with astonishment, as experts who are talking about creating virtual devices believe that it could take another ten years for them to become popular. The device, launched by Meta Company last year under the name Oculus Quest, has been reported in the market to make people feel the opposite of using it. In the eyes of most people, these devices are expensive and difficult. In terms of usage, Meta is still partnering with Ray-Ban, a well-known glass manufacturing company, to create images and videos that command your voice. It is not far off that in the next ten years the same glass will be able to show the whole screen and people will be wearing glasses and talking in meetings in their respective offices. Mark Zuckerberg's intentions point in that direction. Are you ready for such a world?

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