• Breaking News

    The man who was tired of his wife reached the police station

    In Italy, as a punishment in a drug case, a man under house arrest ran to the police and asked for his sentence to be served in prison.

    Some people are so disgusted with home life that going to jail feels like getting freedom.

    In Italy, police said on Sunday that a man under house arrest went to a police barracks and asked to be locked up behind bars because he said life at home with his wife was unbearable.

    The Italian police said in a statement that the Albanian, who lives with his wife in the town of Guidonia Monticelio near Rome, said he was no longer able to maintain "forced harmony" with his wife.

    The statement added: "Disappointed with the situation, he chose to flee and presented himself to the local police so that he could serve his sentence behind bars."

    Capt. Willis told AFP that the man had been under house arrest for several months as a punishment for involvement in drug crimes and had a few years to go before his release.

    The captain said: 'He lived at home with his wife and family. But now it wasn't right for him. "

    "My home life has become hell," he said. I can't stand it anymore. I want to go to jail. "

    The man was immediately arrested for violating house arrest and court officials ordered his transfer to jail.

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