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    A person who hires a slapping woman to get rid of his Facebook addiction

    Facebook is used by billions of people around the world, but have you ever seen a person ask others to slap themselves to get rid of it?

    Hard to believe, but a computer programmer from San Francisco, USA, did just that.

    Yes, Manish Sethi, a computer programmer and blogger posted an ad that said I need a hard worker who is ready to slap me every time I use Facebook.

    He basically wanted to improve his constructive abilities and he felt that he was spending a lot of time on Facebook and Reddit every day, about 6 hours a day.

    So they decided to hire someone who would slap them when they use Facebook.

    He was approached by 20 people about the ad in January and hired a woman named Kara in early 2021.

    Kara was paid $8 per hour for this work and all she had to do was slap Manish in the face whenever he turned to Facebook during office hours.

    Now Manish believes that this method is working and productivity has increased by 98%.

    When the experience was recently shared on Twitter, the world's richest man, Elon Musk, reacted to it with fire emojis.

    The slap experience helped Manish to form a wearable company that aims to develop a device that can help change everyday habits.

    "Based on this experience, I created a wearable device company to change habits. The company developed a device that provides experiences such as electric shock and positive tingling, keeping good and bad habits in mind," said Manish. ۔

    In an interview in October, Manish Sethi said that he was unhappy with the waste of time on social media and it was a very depressing experience.

    But when Sakara started sitting next to Manish, his constructive ability increased by 98%.

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