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    When the German Chancellor was embarrassed in front of Putin

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel was embarrassed during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Friday when her phone rang unexpectedly during a conversation and caused a rift between the two.

    According to a report by Al-Arabiya.net, during the meeting, while Putin was talking about relations between Russia and Germany and the development of the economy, he suddenly heard the ringing of Merkel's mobile phone. The German Chancellor was forced to close it.

    "We are always in touch by phone," Putin joked.

    Before the talks began in the Kremlin, the Russian president presented a bouquet of flowers to the German guest. This is the German Chancellor's farewell visit to Russia, as she will step down shortly.

    Previous events

    There have been several incidents in the past between Putin and Merkel that have sometimes embarrassed the German chancellor and sometimes the Russian president.

    There have been tensions between the two in recent times.

    A ridiculous situation was observed when President Putin spoke in Russian with the German Chancellor and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres during the Berlin Conference on Libya in January 2020.

    While attending the Paris Climate Summit in December 2015, there was a strange moment for Putin when Merkel's husband Joachim Sauer tried to pull the chair on which President Putin was going to sit.

    Similarly, during a meeting between Putin and the German Chancellor in 2007, the Russian president's black dog entered the hall where the two leaders were sitting. Merkel was shocked to see the dog.

    The situation prompted the Russian president to apologize, saying "I had no idea you were so scared of dogs."

    Reports indicate that Merkel was attacked by a dog in 1995, after which she became fearful of dogs.

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