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    If you stop using social media

    Nowadays, social media is in vogue. Everyone seems to be active on social networks, but it would not be wrong to say that the majority are addicted to the use of social media.

    Every day is spent on social media. To say that social media is a means of social communication, but the value of these connections is that some people pay the price of distance from their precious time and relationships. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages where there are positive uses of social media and some of it There are also disadvantages. Let us tell you today what effect it would have on your life if you stopped using social media for a while.

    Why ?!: From the above discussion, the first question that will come to the mind of any conscious person is why the use of social media should be stopped! Social media is like a narrow sieve, where it can be fun for anyone but not provocative. While this can lead to a feeling of loneliness, it can also create a feeling of lack of things and isolation within you. For those who spend a lot of time on social media, the idea of ​​living without it becomes impossible.

    Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. If you are ready to give up this whole journey of social media, let us tell you what positive effects it can have and why you should make this decision.

    More and faster !: People buy a lot of troubles in their lives themselves, now think of the tools around you that you use social media all the time. Sometimes notifications come from Facebook, sometimes from Instagram. You spend all your time waiting for an unseen message. Experts are of the opinion that social media constantly disrupts our routine. We cannot stop ourselves from using social media and its use at work as well affects our oneness.

    In this way we always work in all directions which increases the duration of any one work and also affects the quality of work. The American Association of Psychiatrists conducted a study of multidisciplinary workers at one time, in which a study of Facebook users during critical work found that more than 40% of their valuable time was spent on social media. Which is a hefty price to pay for a few likes and comments!

    Creativity: Sometimes it happens that you can't do any creative work and it feels as if the creative person inside you has died somewhere. This is also because you may have a habit of using social media. Creativity is a divine attribute, but it also requires peace of mind. The balance of thoughts and feelings leads to a wonderful creation. In this regard, it is important to take a break from social media. Having social media on your head all the time is like having someone yell at you from behind and you have to look back instead of forward, and as a result you will fail to reach the destination. The idea is that by giving up the use of social media, you can protect yourself from unnecessary information and get the best opportunities to express your creativity.

    Anxiety: It happens that when you get used to a person or thing, you do not get peace without it. You are restless and restless at every moment. The same is true of social media addiction. Sometimes for a day and a half, if your home internet is bad or there is some other problem, then there is strange anxiety and helplessness and unreasonable irritability covers the personality.

    These feelings prevail because we have become accustomed to being permanently attached to something and distance from it is hard on our nerves. Experts believe that if you are addicted to using social media, you desperately need to free yourself from it, and fortunately if you go through this, these feelings of anxiety and exhaustion increase. Not a matter of days. The first few days will be difficult but gradually everything will get better and you will be able to live your life for positive purposes.

    Pressure: It is human nature to want attention every moment and the majority of social media users are people who want universal attention but because it is like a supermarket where everything and every brand is available. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. Even people who come to social media, when they do not get attention all the time, they keep an eye on it 24 hours a day and thus they suffer from psychological stress.

    According to experts, being online all the time trying to find out what is going on increases the hormone cortisol which causes stress. This stress has negative effects on the mind and its dangerous effects are memory loss and Depression can be obvious. Staying away from social media can be a way to keep you calm and calm.

    Self-confidence: You may have seen many people who share their life's achievements, joys and accomplishments on social media, which seems to be a good and positive thing. But when we compare ourselves and our lives with these people, we become frustrated. It is present in human beings. Like some people who want to have children, when they look at the posts of people who have children, they get scared.

    One study found that people who regularly use Facebook make extreme comparisons that can lead to depression. Quitting using Facebook and other social media platforms may be the best solution to get rid of this high level of social and psychological comparison. This can lead to self-awareness and self-confidence. It is very important to know that comparing one's caste with others is not self-indulgence but awareness of the positive and negative aspects of one's caste is the real success.

    Sleep: Some people complain of insomnia and this can lead to poor mental and physical health. One of the major causes of sleep deprivation is the use of social media. Most of us have a habit of scrolling through our social media frequently and especially before going to bed at night.

    Researchers have found that people usually spend an hour or two before going to bed at night, scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, which can lead to sleep deprivation and at least 15 hours a week on social media. And remember that such people do not spend time with a positive work or a friend, but like, comment and share the posts of people who have nothing to do with them. When you socialize. If you stop using the media, you can devote more time to yourself and improve your sleeping habits. If you want to keep yourself calm, read a good book before going to bed or plan your next day. ۔

    Relationships: Relationships are important in a person's life. Although social media helps you connect with people who are far away from you, such as your childhood friends or people who are overseas, it can be harmful. The downside is that it cuts you off from people close to you. Talking face to face with someone and talking on social media are two different ways. Modern science also agrees that closeness and distance affect your relationship and that the relationship of those who live close to you. What is special about them is that they are not based on distance relationships. Staying connected to relationships gives you peace of mind and satisfaction.

    Boredom: People often use mobile phones and social media to relieve boredom. Have you ever agreed to line up, there are a lot of people out there using social media to make waiting easier, but research has shown that 30 minutes of social media use can increase boredom many times over. Instead of doing social media schooling to get rid of your boredom, it might be appropriate to choose a dhikr, book reading or Chris Wordgame.

    Relaxation: Relaxation is much more important than the work that needs to be done in life, because just as the machine needs energy to run, so the body needs rest and strength. Women and men who use social media sit for long periods of time and it is just as harmful to them as smoking. Yes! This is not the analysis of an ordinary person but the opinion of experts. Dedicating your free time to the use of social media after sitting and working all day in this condition causes negative effects on physical health.

    In a survey, people said that they sit in one place for 90 minutes to use Facebook after work. Good positive and healthy habits can be adopted by getting rid of social media.

    Self-awareness: People see and hear others on social media. And so they pay attention to everything except their own caste which may not be important to them. Does going to dinner or taking a vacation affect your health? It is more beneficial to find yourself hidden from the eyes of others. It is important to give yourself time for self-awareness. This will enable you to improve your personal opinion and avoid frivolous talk. You will be able to develop personal intelligence and develop the ability to critically examine the world. ۔

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