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    Don't take headaches lightly

    Who doesn't know about headaches because every human being has to deal with headaches at some point in life? There are many illnesses that have side effects and even headaches. First, we will try to find out only the causes that cause the onset of headaches. The reasons that come up especially in young people. The most important and delicate problem arises when the initial symptoms of a headache are examined, which may be a precursor to a fatal disease. An important point to keep in mind in this regard is that these patients are more likely to have a serious illness that comes with the symptoms of a severe headache in a doctor or hospital emergency. Another thing to keep in mind is that no matter what the cause of the headache is, a certain chemical called Neuropeptide causes inflammation of the facial nerves which causes headaches. Similarly, we can say that there is only one common cause of many causes of headaches, namely facial nerves.

    Now let's look at the symptoms and causes of headaches. The most important thing is to know and identify the causes of headaches. The following factors play a very important role in the main causes of headaches. Cancer of the blood vessels, dilation of the arteries, narrowing of the blood vessels. 3. Pregnancy (Eclampsia) 4. Poisoning of carbon monoxide is usually caused by running a coal fire or needle gas heater in a closed room. It usually leads to death, which is reported in the newspapers. 5. Brain Hamburg. The most important thing in this regard is how the headache started. If the headache starts suddenly and intensifies immediately.

    Similarly, if a patient has a history of high blood pressure. Especially if blood pressure is not controlled, it is important to examine the patient in detail to see if he has Malignant Headache for emergency treatment. Similarly, headaches and high blood pressure during pregnancy. Thus, if the three symptoms are one after the other and are in the form of headaches (symptoms - high blood pressure, increased heart rate and sweating), then this is a sign of Pheochromocytoma. Migraine symptoms include headache and lightheadedness, nausea and vomiting.

    There are a number of eye diseases that can cause headaches, so it is important to have your eyes examined by an eye specialist. In addition, mental illness can cause headaches. Therefore, it is important to see a psychiatrist.

    Chronic headache or primary headache:

    There are three types of chronic headaches. Migraine (of blood vessels) and Cluster headache.

    The first type of headache is felt by every human being at some point in life. Migraines in women are about three times higher than in men, while the cluster is much less and in men it is about four times more than in women. (In primary) headaches cause a lot of damage to social life and business life.

    Causes and symptoms:

    Headaches may occur in the following areas. In the walls of blood vessels, in the meninges, in the muscles of the head and neck. Head and facial nerve disorders and diseases can also cause headaches. Inflammation of the nose and its sinuses can also cause headaches. If a person keeps a record of their headaches, it can be found out that the cause of their headaches is the mental stress or certain foods and habits are the cause of headaches. Causes of headaches due to tension can also include stress, overwork, too much noise (music, etc.) and some other external stimuli. This type of headache is described as having a slight tingling sensation in the head and neck. Migraines can usually be triggered by dietary changes that are generally considered to be responsible. Wine, chocolate and antiques are at the top of the list. Hormonal overdose in women can lead to migraines. Hormone overdose in women is caused by the use of contraceptives during certain days and by the use of hormones during menopause.

    Research shows that a complex process between the nerves and various chemicals causes migraines. This is unbearable pain. This pain is usually around the eyes. There may be tears in the eye and there may be inflammation in the nostrils. This pain usually lasts from fifteen minutes to four hours and can occur several times a day. Excessive smokers are more likely to suffer from it. Such smokers also usually use alcohol.


    Because of the numerous causes of headaches, a general examination of the patient is performed to determine his or her health. Its nervous system is closely monitored so that if there is any neurological disease it can be detected. If the headache is primary, it is important to have a detailed history of the patient. Much of the information about this pain comes from the severity, duration, time and location of the pain and the factors that are causing the pain or are helpful in starting it and the symptoms that precede the pain. If the patient says it is the most severe headache of his life, it is a sign that a blood vessel has ruptured in the patient's brain, which is a sign of another brain emergency. Headaches in which additional symptoms such as weakness of one half of the body, numbness, loss of sight or complete disappearance or difficulty in speaking and difficulty in eating and swallowing, etc., are dangerous symptoms of a stroke. A headache that has been steadily increasing in the last six months, especially in the morning, or when brain symptoms begin to appear, occurs in a brain tumor.

    Headaches are also common in children. It has been observed that when children complain of headaches, parents interpret the pain as an excuse. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. There are also causes of pain which, if not treated in time, can lead to major problems. It is not only important to know these causes but also to get them treated in time to avoid major problems - the pain in the head of a school-going child in the name of the study is not always an excuse but in the name of study. One of the major causes of the pain caused by looking at books is the weakness of the child's eyesight. Take her to the hospital and have her eyes checked so that if her eyesight is weak then glasses can be fitted in time.

    Most of the victims of climate change are children who seem to be cured by giving them antibiotics but due to these medicines the cold is frozen which does not seem to be felt but in the time of cold it is frozen. Causes pain that is very severe. As a treatment for this, children are given steam so that they can get rid of the accumulated cold and make it easier for them to breathe. If he complains of a headache, make sure that it is not due to any injury because the head injuries are not minor. And the light is looking bad and there is also nausea and abdominal pain and such headaches are recurring after some intervals, then it may be migraine. This pain should not be taken lightly and immediately consult your doctor. 

    Headaches due to stress usually occur in children on exam days. Due to this pain, the child becomes irritable, his head and shoulder muscles are tense and his body becomes heavy. There is also a chance that the heartbeat will be irregular. In case of such pain, bring the child closer to you. Try to solve the problem with your love and attention and try to divert his attention.

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