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    An idea can change a life

    It was a chilly night in 2009. The weather was cloudy. He had been waiting at the bus stop with his friend for a long time waiting for a taxi to arrive but unfortunately, no taxi driver had come. It was growing slowly and their anxiety was also increasing.

    It was in this disturbing situation that an idea came to his mind. The taxi came, they both sat down and started moving towards their destination but he spent that night thinking about it.

    It is human nature to be troubled by problems in one's life. Often the problem is not so great as to make him weaken by thinking about it. While the wise say that the crisis in life is what makes a person strong. These are actually "opportunities". There are those who can make immense progress by using them. The only condition is that this crisis should be understood and used using one's creativity.

    We come back to our story.

    The next morning he came to his friend and told him his idea. The friend stared at him for a while, then said in an enthusiastic voice: "Great, brilliant idea." He decided to do it and then this idea laid the foundation of a new industry which is called the Ridesharing industry today.

    He started a company that offered taxis to his customers. For a while, he worked on it but the company was not very successful because its taxi rates were much higher than others. Together they created a mobile application for their company. It was an application that anyone could install on their mobile and order a taxi for themselves. The company used the GPS system to track the location of the user and in a short time the car would be on the doorstep of his house since everyone else was suffering from this problem at that time, so this new idea gained full popularity in a short time.

    In a short time, the company also introduced the facility that anyone can register their car with the company and drive as a taxi. The number of registered vehicles and drivers was increasing day by day and thus the company was making progress. The company started with taxi but Then with the passage of time this motorbike, food delivery, mini car, big car and luxury car facilities were also introduced and then the world was amazed when this "helicopter ride" facility was also unveiled. This story. The most popular company in the 'Raid Sharing Industry' is UBER, which is valued at $15 billion and today serves more than 633 cities in 83 countries.

    French novelist Victor Hugo says that "there is nothing in the world as powerful as the idea that is really needed now." The fact is that a great idea can change a person's life. All the great inventions of the world came into being through thought and thought. New thinking opens the way for human beings to progress. Such a person finds a way for himself even in the face of the biggest problem which Through this, he can easily come out of this ordeal.

    Appearance is from the fresh thoughts of the new world

    That they are not born of stone and clay

    Fresh ideas are the wealth that only man has in this world. Man does not have the natural abilities that other living beings have. He cannot run fast like a leopard. He cannot see far like a falcon. No, but he has a blessing that makes him superior to all other creatures and has the ability to think and understand.

    Floors are not only made of iron, lead, and cement but are made of fresh ideas. Yes, and how to do it. These are the people who go on to become leaders of the times and their vision inspires great umpires. Whenever I ask youngsters to do something new in a session, I am often asked. How did this new idea come to our minds? That is, how do we think of a new idea?

    Remember that a new idea is a great blessing of Allah. It does not come in a dream but to look around for it.

    And one has to understand the conditions of the time. A person whose observation is wide and deep and he thinks about the details of everything, different ideas come to his mind. Some people also fall prey to this misunderstanding. That an idea will come to our mind with all its details. It doesn't happen. Any big idea is made up of small ideas. All you have to do is grab a small idea, take note of it. It needs to be considered further and then put into practice at the earliest opportunity.

    When you put a small idea into practice, then in a few days more new things will be revealed to you. Will adapt to your needs, your idea will become popular in time.

    Kevin Dunbar, a well-known researcher, did some research on the subject. He set up cameras in scientists' laboratories and began observing their routines. Is a man who thinks more than he is and invents new things for humanity with his thinking when the best ideas come to his mind. While eating and gossiping with each other. When the result of this research came out, it was very surprising. Kevin found that the best ideas came when people sat down and chatted with each other.

    When a person sits down with other people and shares his thoughts with them, then better ideas come to his mind. This is what Napoleon Hill said in his famous book Think & Grow Rich One of the habits of the most successful people is that they have their own advisory board. They discuss with each other. Thanks to which he is counted among the successful personalities of the world.

    Remember that every age takes a turn after a while and with new conditions new needs and new requirements arise. Rather, it has become our lifestyle. In today's world, if we want to get a car, we can't take Foxie. In the age of the iPhone, we can't use the 3310 model, nor can we use a cassette player to record audio.

    In the post-Corona world, things have moved on and on very fast. This revolution has brought with it many opportunities, which can be used by any human being to develop. On the other hand, the problem is that despite all the opportunities, today our young man is suffering from unemployment which has kept him suffering from depression. Every young man wants a job so that he can get a fixed salary after months Made for, why do you crawl? Why are you compromising on a meager salary, use your talents and do something new, he gets scared and does not dare to take a new step even though he has the ability.

    Today's youth are also afraid of taking a new step so that they do not fail because then there will be ridiculed. This is also the fault of our social behavior. Here, if someone wants to take a new step, the first comment of the people is "You can't", this sentence destroys his morale, yet the person should start trying to do it on the strength of his strong will. We should know that this tradition of discouragement is very old. We do not know how many discouraged people were discouraged by this habit of ours, how many intentions were shattered, how many intentions were shattered and how many people were in the throes of their abilities. The time has come for us to give up our attitude and become the handmaiden of every person who wants to do something for the betterment of his caste or for the country and nation if it is not. If you can, at least encourage it.

    Martin Luther says, "If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but keep moving."

    Remember that life can start from anywhere. Even a drop of water, if it keeps falling on the rocky rock, one day it will make a hole in it. Man's hard work is never wasted. The most important thing is to give it direction and perseverance. Today our country and nation is in dire need of new ideas because we have been traveling in the same circle for a long time and moving in a circle. Nations do not create, but for development, we have to think and work out of the box.

    Contemplate this notion as you navigate your way through the world, with countless new ideas scattering around. Try to roll them out. Think about it and try to implement it as soon as possible.

    Failure to formulate your own ideas can lead to frustration, frustration, depression, stumbling and falling, but you have to get up and shake yourself. You have to look at your destination and continue your journey, even if you stumble.

    Learn to welcome and embrace your failures, because that is the beginning where you step on the ladder of success.

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