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    Common Habits That Can Damage Your Heart ... Surprising Findings in New Medical Research

    The main causes of heart disease include an unhealthy diet, abstinence from exercise, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. Symptoms include severe chest pain and the pain gradually spreads throughout the body. Deaths from heart disease and heart attack in the last few years, according to statistics

    Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, causing problems in the heart muscle, valves, or heartbeat. Problems with the blood vessels such as their Stiffness, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and smoking are considered to be the common causes of heart disease while high blood pressure, infections, etc. also increase this risk. But you may not know that even a few seemingly harmless habits can be devastating to the heart. Spending more time sitting: Do you exercise? Great! But if you spend too much time sitting down, it is definitely a problem. 

    In fact, you should spend the whole day physically active, even if it's just a short walk. Increases circulation, even if you come out of the room and come back. This is beneficial. Understand your age: Don't wait for middle age to keep your heart healthy, exercise, healthy diet, blood. Keep an eye on your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. Don't worry about your diet: If you find it difficult to eat vegetables, it is best to use olive oil, nuts, fruits, grains, fish, eggs, etc. to help keep your heart healthy. Can prove This is because they contain fat, fiber, and nutrients that are good for health and they also taste great. Don't look after your health: Can you tell me what your cholesterol level is? What is blood pressure? If you have no idea then it is dangerous. 

    From the age of 20, make sure to test both of them every year or after 2 years. Do not measure the waist: If the fat is very harmful to the heart, then make it a habit to measure the waist every few months. If the waist size of women is 35 inches while that of men is more than 40 inches, then it is a warning sign. Ignoring: When you are feeling depressed, it is difficult to do things that are beneficial for you, such as exercise. 

    If this condition persists for more than a few weeks, consult a doctor whose advice can improve mental health with therapy, exercise, and medication (if needed) which increases the energy to take care of yourself. Ignoring Smoke: By the way, smoking also damages the heart and blood vessels, but the smoke can also damage the people around them. Don't take care of sleep duration: Not being allowed to sleep for 88 hours resulted in high blood pressure which was not a big surprise but when these people were allowed to sleep for only 4 hours every night their heart rate increased while such Protein is stored in the body, which increases the risk of heart disease.

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