• Breaking News

    India: Security forces kill civilians as militants

    Six civilians were killed when security forces opened fire on a truck in the Indian state of Nagaland. According to the forces, they thought the truck was carrying militants and not civilians. More than seven people were killed in firing on the demonstrators of the forces.

    According to reports, after the firing, a crowd of citizens gathered to protest. Later, protesters were also fired upon. Nagaland police officer Sandeep Tamgadge said the incident took place on Saturday near the India-Myanmar border. They have confirmed the deaths of 13 people, including a local laborer from the north. "The situation in the entire Moon district is very tense at the moment. "

    Two security forces vehicles were set on fire

    Tamgarge said six workers were killed by security forces while returning to their homes in Otting village. Soldiers were already lurking on the road to target militants. The security forces identified the workers as militants and will fire on them. When the workers did not reach home, their relatives began searching for them and when they found the bodies, they questioned the security forces.

    It is reported that angry residents of the area set fire to two vehicles of the security forces. Meanwhile, security forces opened fire on angry people, killing seven people.

    "This is the place where the clash took place between the two sides, and security personnel opened fire, killing seven more people," Tamgarge said at the scene.

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