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    Hydrogen economy: a dream or reality

    Hydrogen is currently considered a key source of global energy. It is also important that it is not used yet. The question arises as to why this is so.

    Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and hence it occupies the first position on the chart of elements. It is colorless and odorless. It has one proton and one electron. It can catch fire immediately. One kilogram of hydrogen or H2 contains 2.4 times more energy than ordinary natural gas.

    The dream of getting energy from hydrogen

    Used in industry

    This amazing element has been used in the industry for years. The petrochemical sector in particular has been reaping the benefits for decades. Its role in the purification of oil is very important. Hydrogen is also present in the preparation of ammonia fertilizer. The same element is used in the production of methanol and steel.

    This element is now described as being an important source of clean energy. The European Commission has described hydrogen as a lost piece of the difficult puzzle of generating energy without carbon.

    Positive aspects of hydrogen

    It can be a clean and transparent fuel and does not emit greenhouse gas emissions. When it burns, it produces oxygen or water.

    A new way to get hydrogen from water

    It is estimated that the use of hydrogen may reduce carbon emissions. It can be a substitute for existing natural gas in heavy-duty transport or buildings and can help store energy from alternative energy power stations. This element can also be an alternative to conventional fuels. This is an important question of whether hydrogen production is cheap and easy. It is not, it is made in a complex way.

    Common types of hydrogen

    The most common form of this element is called gray or gray hydrogen, which is about 95% used. At present, one ton of gray or gray hydrogen emits ten tons of carbon dioxide. This method is called stem methane reforming or SMR.

    This method uses gas or ground fuel. Another type of hydrogen is pink or pink hydrogen. It is made from nuclear power and pink hydrogen can in no way be a solution to global environmental pollution.

    There are many types of hydrogen. They are brown, black, yellow, turquoise and green. Of these, only green hydrogen has been found to be better for human settlements. The amount of green hydrogen in the universe is said to be one percent.

    What is the future now?

    The cost of preparing green hydrogen is double that of gray hydrogen. Given the way in which clean energy matters are advancing, it is thought that the cost of green hydrogen production will decrease in the future. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, its production cost could be reduced by 30% by 2030. It is expected that by 2040, its use will be 45 percent.

    Another problem with green hydrogen is its storage. Fossil fuels can be stored in warehouses. Hydrogen also has a very low density and is the lightest gas. It can catch fire immediately. In this context, special types of canisters will have to be made for their storage or they will have to be stored at minus 253 degrees Celsius.

    Given these difficulties, it is safe to say that green hydrogen may not be the best solution for our energy needs. The journey to the destination of a hydrogen economy is not so easy and cheap.

    That requires  15 trillion, or  12.6 trillion, by 2050. On the other hand, fifty trillion dollars is needed to tackle the challenge of climate change. Fifteen trillion dollars or fifty trillion dollars ... The choice is yours.

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