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    Corruption, dishonesty, manipulation, nothing came out of Merkel's 16 years

    There will be many political figures in this era who have seen the rise of fame, honor, popularity and achievements and have also celebrated their honesty during their 16 years of rule.

    In a short speech on Thursday night, Merkel enthusiastically addressed her nation, urging them to keep their hearts wide open and optimistic about their country's future. Angela Merkel's farewell ceremony was hosted by the German Federal Army. Merkel, referring to her 16-year rule, said in her typical tone that she had faced a "huge challenge". As a politician and as the leader of Germany, the backbone of Europe, one of Merkel's remarks was exemplary, along with the mention of the difficult moments she faced. Merkel said many of the challenges were too difficult for her as a human being.

    Merkel's remarks shocked me and made me think that in a time when Merkel is stepping down with such great responsibilities, there is no other leader with such thinking and passion. Comes? no way. This is the age of gaining legitimate and illegitimate benefits from power, this is the age of getting rid of selfishness and the spirit of humanity and stepping ahead of others in the political race. This is the age of lies, deception, populism and sacrificing morality and humanity over interests. This is the only way to justify "me and mine" thinking, selfishness, self-aggrandizement and selfish behavior.

    Angela Merkel's farewell video call with Chinese President

    Merkel's words made me think deeply. I was asking myself in this day and age, “Politicians, leaders or leaders are also human beings. "If they are human beings or have the spirit of humanity in them, how can they make decisions that are not only harmful to other human beings but often endanger their survival?" The future of the whole nation is in the hands of these powerful people. They make decisions that have led to the destruction of other nations and for generations. The great crises of the world and the human tragedies that are before us at the moment aren't their causes or causes due to the decisions of the rulers, the policies of the politicians and leaders and the intoxication of power Alienates?

    Talks with Taliban must continue, German Chancellor

    Merkel also said that during her presidency there were several crises in which she realized the importance of international cooperation. This statement also seemed very strange to the ears. Who is the leader who really values ​​'cooperation and solidarity? In this era, there is talk of promoting divisions and differences everywhere.

    Merkel, referring to the Corona epidemic that has ravaged the world system for the past two years, said the importance of trust in political leaders, democracy and solidarity has been highlighted. Which country's head is currently highlighting and appreciating the importance of trust? Look inside Europe or outside, trust, justice, humanity, public solidarity will all be found in the textbooks as teaching of ethics, not inside the centers of power and houses.

    What will be Angela Merkel's engagements after the chancellorship?

    The ceremony held for Angela Merkel by the German Federal Ministry of Defense is the highest military honor for a civilian. At the end of her speech at the ceremony, Merkel sent a message to her nation, "I want to encourage you to look at the world from the point of view of others." Be it America or Africa, Asia. Whether it is Europe or Europe, look around and see no leader who seems to inspire such positive thinking and behavior in his people as well as in other parts of the world.

    Merkel, 67, managed to prove in the last moments of her 16-year chancellorship that she was not only a great leader but also a great man. Progress, success, the elevation of ranks is not a stranglehold of humanity within them but by further refining it. they are setting an example for the world.

    "Those who make mistakes also face criticism," Merkel said

    I wish that the leaders of other countries would leave behind a clean, dignified and honorable moral legacy like Angela Merkel instead of leaving behind the stain of corruption, scandal, personal enmity, the opposition of their people, dislike and stigma due to misuse of power. 

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