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    "Why should I wear hijab?"

    Before starting the purpose of the hijab, let's talk about the European countries where the hijab has been regularly banned.

    France is the first European country to ban the hijab. The ban on the hijab was first introduced in France in 2010.

    Violation of this law can result in a fine of up to US 205.

    Like France, Belgium enacted a law in 2012 banning the burqa or any clothing that obscures a person's identity in public. Violators were fined 380 euros and jailed for up to seven days.

    There is no official law in Italy banning the burqa. However, the country's 1970 anti-Italian anti-terrorism law was intended to crack down on political activists. As a result, it is illegal to cover one's face in public.

    In 2013, the Italian-speaking Ticino area of ​​Switzerland voted in favor of banning the niqab from any group in public.

    Judges have been banned from wearing burqas or similar religious or political symbols on court premises since 2008, including crosses, Jewish hats and turbans.

    Turkey banned similar burqa veils in 1926.

    After much debate, the Netherlands in 2015 banned the full-face Islamic hijab on government buildings, schools, hospitals and public transportation.

    In view of the growing confrontation between Russians and Muslims in the Caucasus region, the authorities in Stavropol have banned the wearing of scarves in state-run schools.

    The burqa is banned in the Chinese city of Urumqi.

    The former Soviet republic of Latvia banned women from wearing Islamic-style full-face hijabs across the country.

    In addition, hijabi students in many colleges and universities in India had to face many problems.

    Not only have many Asian and Western countries imposed restrictions on the hijab, but Muslim women with "my body, my will" have also come out against the hijab under the banner of freedom.

    At the opening ceremony of her song "Black Heart", small screen actress Sara Khan came down to the abusive response to a journalist's question about her nudity as a Muslim and joined Rakhi Sawant. Condemning Islamic laws and principles, she not only urged Muslim men to cover their eyes but also claimed that she would blind the men by wearing burqas. Created you otherwise where would you come from ?? Why don't we cover our eyes? Why do you see that? ”

    When a large number of media for mic and camera are seen in front of useless women like Rakhi Sawant, one is surprised at the media which does not see the sorrows, pains and sufferings of the disturbed people, despite the fact that they I see journalists insulting men and women, yet a good team of media can be easily seen around them at any moment.

    In addition, a Pakistani media anchor was seen asking during the discussion that there is no oppression in Islam.

    Sara Khan also says that "I'm Muslim myself".

    First of all, if they are Muslims, then how can they be unaware of their special history that the first man was not born from a woman but from a woman's body.

    Secondly, she says close your eyes and respects us.

    Where is justice? You say that my body is my will and men do not say "My eyes are my will!" "My lust is my will!"

    Is man your slave when you are independent ???

    Then you resort to movements like "Me Too".

    So do you hope that open meat will be kept open and even the beasts will not attack it ???

    Then a question is raised that what is the benefit of hijab?

    Of course, when a veiled woman goes to a five-star hotel mall or any public place, the eyes that are raised towards her may be either for respect or admiration or the contemptuous eyes of the fanatics, but the lustful eyes maybe Can't be. On the contrary, the eyes of the naked women, whether they are their supporters or their rivals, must be full of lust.

    That is why Islam teaches in this regard.

    (O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the women of the Muslims to cover their faces with the veil. That is nearer to being recognized and not being persecuted. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.)

    If we look at the great advantage of women through hijab from another point of view, then it is impossible to deny the fact that in this advanced age, every person has come down to the competition in the desire to look unique.

    And if we talk about women in this field, it would not be out of place to say that the desire to look unique in a ceremony forces a woman to put many artificial layers on her face.

    In the cycle of becoming the center of attention of people compared to other women, expensive glittering clothes worth thousands of rupees drown their budget.

    Why is all this done ??

    Just to get the, wow, to look unique and to get people's attention; so how is it possible that you can kill them by following their tricks ??

    If the party is adorned with glittering costumes and a hijabi woman enters the party, then of course she will be the center of attention.

    When a fanatical French woman opposes the hijab and says that Muslim women have lived the life of a slave girl, then due to lack of knowledge, many Muslim women raise the slogan of freedom.

    After all, how can a woman be a slave whose religion has declared a woman as a mercy in the form of a daughter and in the case of being a mother, heaven has been placed in her footsteps?

    What kind of freedom and equality do Muslim women talk about?

    Is freedom the name of being free from natural and moral constraints ???

    Islam gave women equal rights with men 1400 years ago. When the concept of women's rights was not yet born in any society in the world. The concept of equality between men and women was first introduced in the world by Islam and thus liberated women from the bondage of man in which they had been bound for centuries. They were buried alive at birth.

    The notion of feminism that has emerged in the West is very unbalanced because for a long time in the West, like other societies, women had no social rights of any kind and their status was that of a male slave. C was. It was in response to this that the feminist movement began there and was based on the equality of men, which meant that in every case the woman was to be blamed for the man. Therefore, in every sphere of society, economy, politics, and life, women were also considered entitled to all the responsibilities which till now only men fulfilled. At the same time, women got all the rights that men had. The same thing was called women's liberation or equality between men and women. This resulted in the unfounded freedom that freed women from all-natural and moral constraints.

    There is another important question that has been raised from time to time, sometimes by bigoted non-religious and sometimes by liberal Muslim women, why should a woman wear a hijab ???

    From the Islamic point of view and from the point of view of Sharia, there can be many reasonable answers to this question that have always been given.

    But how is it possible for you to recite poems of your power from the enemy ??? Is it any wonder that they do not erupt ???

    Why not make non-religions incomparable through their history and civilization?

    If you answer that I am a Muslim, it is the command of my God and Messenger, therefore I am a hijabi, then non-believers have nothing to do with your obedience, they do not believe in your religion, how can they accept your sharia?

    Therefore, deviating from Islamic laws for a while, we first prove the hijab from the history of the world.

    A history which no religion, no nation, no country, no sect on earth can deny. History bears witness that man was brought down to this earth naked. He covered some parts of the body with the veil; then some more consciousness came and he started covering more parts of the body with animal skins. Growing up

    And nature is repeating this history even today that when a child steps into the world, he is naked - as his consciousness grows, so does his dress. Rather, say that I am conscious, therefore I am wearing hijab; having full clothes on the body is proof that we belong to the conscious, educated and advanced age and not to the backward Adi Mano era.

    Yes, but consciousness has a deep connection with religion - because like other religions, Muslims do not wear clothes just to protect themselves from the cold and heat - no other religion in the world except Islam says that

    And tell the believers to lower their gaze and guard their chastity and not to show off their adornment except where it is open, and to keep their headscarves on their breasts and not to show off their adornment except to their husbands. On their father or husband's father or on their brothers or nieces or nephews or on their wives or on their slaves or on the servants who do not need a woman or on the boys who are not familiar with the veil of women Do not strike hard so that their hidden ornaments may be known. And O Muslims, repent to Allah so that you may be saved.

    As it has become clear that Islam teaches equality, it is not only women who are required to abide by all the rules and regulations, but also men.

    (Tell the believers to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah knows what they do.)

    But in many Asian and Western countries, the hijab is only used to cover the head, face, or body of a woman.

    While the literal meaning of hijab is to cover or conceal. In Islamic jurisprudence, the hijab is related to the veil which is considered to be responsible for the protection of modesty and moral values.

    The standard of the veil in Islam is not the standard burqa at all. A poet has written a very good poem about this burqa.

    "Hijab is the manifestation of everything

    The implication is that the situation is still unresolved. "

    Rather, the real veil is the name of a complete sense of shame, away from appearances.

    Another question that is strongly raised is that the veil is an obstacle to development.

    The sharia veil does not hinder a woman's activities. Rather, a woman can take part in every activity of life and has been taking part in it.

    Only by staying in the veil does a woman get a chance to understand the possibilities of her caste. In the home environment, she is responsible for building a family, protected from social ills. Which is the basic unit of society. And most importantly, she carries out the important task of educating the next generation in her own home. Therefore, it is a natural principle that a woman's personal essence blossoms in solitude and not in solitude.

    The secret of a woman's greatness lies in her immortality. Motherhood is central to her social life. And the life of the family is associated with this spirit of innocence. The mother's lap is the first school that teaches man morals and nobility. The children of a nation whose mothers are high-minded, courageous and polite will surely be able to build a good society. In life outside the home, man has the upper hand. But in domestic life, a woman has the upper hand. Because it is responsible for raising a new generation. And the future of the nation depends on the proper upbringing of this new generation. Therefore, a woman's honor and privilege is due to her being a mother. The social system of a nation whose women are reluctant to perform their duties is disorganized. And moral virtues die. The high values ​​of Western civilization have declined because of the fact that women there are losing their sense of belonging in the name of freedom.

    The status of the mother is so high that the present and future of the nation are determined by her grace. The role of the mother is fundamental in shaping the destiny of the nation.

    The limits and restrictions do not bind the woman as much as the prevailing concept of the veil has understood. Nor do they give as much freedom as the West has given to women. This veil is not the purpose of Islam nor does it give freedom to Islam. Islam advocates an environment and position for women in which they can make the best use of all their abilities and this is also in accordance with nature.

    And in the same way, human society is left in disarray. However, within its sphere of influence, it should also live with the provision of the Shari'ah veil in such a way that it has a good effect on the society and the harem of the universe should be illuminated by its reflection in such a way that despite the hijab manifestation of the Supreme Being. It Falls on the universe.

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