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    Why the growing number of women watching porn around the world!

    Women's audience of porn content: It is generally believed that women do not watch porn films, but recent surveys show that women now make up one-third of all porn viewers worldwide and that Is growing What is the reason for this? The reason behind this is science as well as a social science.

    It is generally believed that women do not watch pornography, but recent surveys show that women now account for one-third of all porn viewers worldwide, and this is steadily increasing. What is the reason for this? The reason behind this is science as well as a social science. By the way, what is being held responsible for this is the element in both men and women.

    A survey was conducted by two of the world's largest porn sites. This led to a growing trend among women, after which the question arose as to why women watch porn. ۔ Many studies have been conducted on this question related to men, but not much research has been done on women watching porn. Yet one of the main reasons is that women are becoming spectators in the industry because of the mirror neurons.

    Mirror neurons are actually the ones that instill in us a tendency to copy. It's as if you start laughing or crying when you see someone laughing or crying in a scene, but because of the mirror neurons, you feel like you are doing that action.

    The same mirror neurons increase the tendency towards pornography. Both men and women have these neurons. Mirror neurons have been found in humans as well as in early species and birds, but what good is it if women become viewers of porn because of them?

    A recent study by psychologists has found that watching more porn increases the ability to enjoy sex and makes the process easier. It is also a fact that younger and educated women are watching more porn.

    According to a porn website, a survey of 100,000 people found that 33.8 percent of female viewers were between the ages of 18 and 24 and 60 percent of female viewers admitted that watching their porn Sex life has improved.

    Based on the survey, experts could not rule out the possibility that women are using computers or mobile phones more than men, so the figures are increasing. However, a report by German cultural scholar Medita Eming says that women are still hesitant about their sexuality or their sexuality.

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