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    What is vitamin D and why is it important

    Doctor!  What is the story of this vitamin D?  Less of me, less of the children, and less of my husband.  The little one presses his feet at night, my back hurts, even though the little one has been drinking milk for two whole years. "

     The educated woman who also teaches in the school asked the question.

     "Weak, not gaining weight, not growing tall,

     At night, the feet are pounding, the hands and feet are stretched. ”

     Many such questions are asked daily by many mothers.

     Most people have misconceptions about a balanced diet and a healthy diet.  People don't want to know what foods get vitamins, they want shortcuts instead.  Demands such as "give me an appetite suppressant" or "prescribe a multivitamin" must be made by the doctor.

     What vitamins are, why they are necessary, and how they are obtained by the body; let's talk about it today.  And first of all, let's talk about vitamin D.

     Allah Almighty has added many ingredients to the human diet according to the needs of the body, and arranged the natural environment in such a way that it helps in human life and development.  Vitamin D is also one of the blessings of the Lord of the Worlds.

     From the womb to the young, and then to old age, vitamin D is a human need.  Its main function is to build up a layer of calcium on the human bones, that is, the calcium that builds up in our bones, which strengthens our bones, is due to vitamin D.

     Vitamin D maintains the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the human body.

     Calcium and phosphorus play a key role in the formation of baby bones in the mother's womb, and vitamin D is the vitamin that balances it.  If the mother is deficient in vitamin D, there is a strong risk that her unborn baby will have weak bones.

     If the mother is deficient in vitamin D after the baby is born, the baby will receive less breast milk.  In such a situation, it is very important to give vitamin D to the baby in case of external drops, otherwise the baby's bones become weak and crooked, and sometimes the bones may break down quickly due to weakness.

     The disease caused by vitamin D deficiency in children is called rickets.  And vitamin D deficiency causes less calcium to build up in the bones and weakens the bones, altering the bone structure and making them crooked.

     If vitamin D is permanently deficient or is deficient in the early part of the age, the rate of bone growth is slowed down and the child can achieve a shorter length than his genetic height.  If left unmanaged, they can be left astray and lose the right path.

     How Vitamin D works in the body apart from bones is the main topic of research nowadays.

     According to the information available so far, Vitamin D also plays an important role in the growth, properties, and distribution of human cells.  Scientists say that it is also helpful in the work of muscles in the human body, and its effects have also been observed in the work of the nervous system.  Although so far there is no conclusive evidence of many important observations, since vitamin D receptors are found in different cells of the body, it is thought that the role of this vitamin in the body may extend beyond the bones.  Is important

     Where it comes from and how the body works through different stages is also very interesting.

     Fish is the best source of vitamin D, and fish is also high in fat.  In addition, meat, eggs and milk also provide vitamin D.

     The sun is a great gift of nature and a treasure trove of vitamin D.  If you spend at least ten minutes in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in such a way that the sun's rays on the face, hands and legs that are left (on page 41)

     UVB (Ultraviolet B) rays are called, when applied, special vitamin D is available.

     But in winter, the sun's supply of vitamin D to dark-skinned people is affected by the use of sunscreen.

     Therefore, other sources of vitamin D are more noteworthy, including fish.  There is no restriction on the use of fish for pregnant women and lactating mothers after childbirth, it has become a problem in our society.

     Let's talk more about vitamin D.

     Because the natural supply of this vitamin is in certain foods, people who are vegetarians, and the elderly in particular, suffer from a deficiency.  Therefore, medical experts say that every person needs at least 400 units of vitamin D daily if his vitamin D level in the body is at least better than the international standard.  And if it is less then it needs to be used more which the doctor can prescribe according to the overall situation and need.

     Vitamin D accumulates in fat cells in the body and is used as needed on days when it is not available from the sun or other sources.

     While its deficiency is not good for the body, its excess is also not good.  So it would not be right for you to use it unnecessarily.  There are also side effects of excess, so the balance is improved.

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