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    What is the origin and evolution of human being

    In this chapter, the verses I am quoting mainly describe the material aspect.  We are, in fact, examining the changes that have taken place in relation to purely orthopedic sciences, which have taken place in a harmonious and balanced manner.  It was a planned operation, a phenomenon that occurred in successive periods.  In this way, the Creator, in His will, which has always ruled over the destiny of human groups, has been manifested with power and glory.  The Qur'an first speaks of 'creation', then moves on to the second stage, explaining it.  Undoubtedly, human creation and systematic organic shaping seem to progress over time.

     We started your creation, then made your form, then said to the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they all prostrated on it but Iblis did not join the prostrating ones.

     He asked, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you to do so?"  (A'raf, 10-11)

     From this it seems possible to understand the sequence of three consecutive events of man's creation.  The first two are more important for our study: God created man and then shaped him.  Elsewhere, the same thing is said that man was created by coincidence.

     "We created man from dry clay of rotten clay.  And before that We created the jinn from a flame of fire.  Then remember the time when your Lord said to the angels: “I am creating a mortal from the dry mud of rotten clay.  Next fall in prostration. ”(Hajar, 28-29)

     When your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to create a human being from clay, then when I have created it completely and breathed my soul into it, then fall down in prostration before it."  The angels all fell down in prostration, but Iblis (Satan) boasted of his greatness and he became one of the disbelievers.  The Lord said, "O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating to him whom I have made with my two hands?" (P. 72)

     Balanced shaping in the creation of man and specialization of the Spirit of God is also revealed in many other verses.  In the complexity of human structure lies the function of the synthesis of earthly components.  Man has been created directly on the divine will.  This is a very important point.  In the verses of Surah 3, God says:

     “By the fig tree and the olive tree, and by Sinai and this peaceful city (Mecca), We created man in the best of molds, then turned him upside down and made him the lowest of all except those who believe.  Bring them and keep on doing good deeds, for they will have a reward that will never end. ”(Al-Tin, 3-4)

     The Arabic word "calendar" means "to organize something according to a plan", meaning the order of development which has been firmly established in advance.  Evolutionists, when talking about changes in the human structure, express it in exactly the same way: that scientific studies on the subject observe a definite plan.

     In Surah Al-Tin, from which the above verses are quoted, the general context of man's creation highlights the fact that God's will is a clear impetus in the systematic formation of man, and that man in the worst of old age  Arrives  There is no mention of human embryonic development, but creation is described in general terms.  In structural terms, there is a reference to systematic planning in the human race as a whole.

     "He made you in various ways.  Do you not see how Allah spreads out the seven heavens and made the moon a light and the sun a lamp in them?  And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth in a strange way, then He will bring you back to this earth and will suddenly raise you up from it. ”(Noah, 14-15)

     This verse of the Qur'an is the only place where the word "toor" is used in the plural form "atwar".  The point to consider here is whether the creation of man in some way or another is merely referring to the stages of embryonic development, or to the structural changes in later periods, or both.  To access the answer, we need to look at the Qur'an's statement on the subject.  When we look at the context of these verses, they speak of divine oneness, the power of God, and creation.

     The chapter of the Qur'an where Prophet Noah (pbuh) addresses the people is a statement of God's mercy, bounty, and blessings.  Man's perfect power is seen in the creation of the heavens, the sun, the moon and the earth.  On the subject of creation, the Qur'an describes the spiritual aspect of man's birth from clay.  Nowhere in the above verses is there any mention of fetal development, except that which the ancient commentators applied to the term 'creative stages' of man.  Although the word 'stages' is not used in the text, it is undoubtedly a reference to the description of 'stages' in other suras.

     Has there ever been a time of infinite time when man was nothing worth mentioning?  We created man from a sperm-drop to test him, and for that We made him a hearer and seer. ”(Dahr, 1-3) 

     In fact, the development of the individual and the species he belongs to must be harmonious, and this harmony is determined by the decisive factors of the time.  These factors are the genes (inheritance units) that carry on the parental inheritance in a systematic way in the early stages of human rebirth.  Whether we associate these creative "stages" with individual development or with species, this concept of creation is fully compatible with modern scientific data.

     The verses of the Qur'an clearly describe the changes in the human constitution.  One human group is replaced by another human group.

     "We have created them and strengthened their joints, and we can change their forms whenever we want."  This is an admonition, now whoever wills may take the path to his Lord. ”

     "If you do not rise up, God will punish you with a painful punishment, and will raise up another group in your place, and you will not be able to harm God at all. He has power over all things." (Repentance, 39)

     "Have they not seen how many nations We have destroyed before them, who have been on a journey in their own time?"  We gave them power in the land which We have not given you. We rained down on them heavy rain from the sky and caused rivers to flow beneath them.  He destroyed them as a reward and replaced them with nations of other times. ”(Reward)

     The commentators in the above verses have described the punishment of the disobedient nations as the punishment of God.  Obviously this is a significant aspect.  At the same time, it refers to changes and transformations in human groups.  They may also have undergone alterations in the organic structure, and these alterations or modifications may be a systematic advancement of God's plan.

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