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    The whole world is on alert mode for fear of Omicron, what isolated South Africa, WHO gave this warning.

    A new variant of the coronavirus found in South Africa has put all countries of the world on alert mode. The highly contagious and rapidly spreading Omicron variant has been described as serious by many researchers, including the World Health Organization. The British Health Authority is examining 61 passengers returning from South Africa who was found to be infected with Corona. The Health Authority is trying to find out if all of them are infected with the new coronavirus variant Omecran. The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement on Friday that preliminary tests on the Omekran variant of the coronavirus found in South Africa had found that it was a rapidly spreading virus and was at risk of re-infection.

    This new variant of the coronavirus has so far been found in Boston, Hong Kong and Belgium. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said the variant was more serious and was likely to spread to Europe. Concerns have been raised around the world over the discovery of the Omekran variant of the coronavirus. Many countries have imposed travel bans on travelers from other countries for prevention. Fear of the virus has led to a sharp decline in the world's home stock market.

    Maria Vaughan, technical lead for Code 19 at the World Health Organization, said that a large number of mutations have been found in this new variant of the coronavirus and that the symptoms of some of these mutations are serious. "There is a lot of research going on about this new variant and we have only got a little bit of information so far," he said. We will have to wait for more information from scientists about this. We will make this information available to all countries, including the WHO, as soon as we know more about it. Lawrence Young, a virologist at Warwick Medical School in the UK, described the Omicron variant as "very serious." "This is the most mutated infection of the virus so far," he said.

    The discovery of this new mutant in the coronavirus has caused a stir around the world. There, several countries have cautiously barred travelers from South Africa and sealed off their borders with South Africa. These include the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Philippines.

    The United States has also imposed travel bans on travelers from other countries, including South Africa, Boston, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Mozambique. Meanwhile, South Africa has expressed displeasure over the travel ban.

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