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    Have sex so much that this actor got sick, find out why this superstar became a "playboy"

    Fans know a lot about the life of Hollywood superstar Will Smith. But there are many things about his life that people did not know until today. Will Smith's biography book has recently been released and Will Smith has been in the headlines ever since. Will claims in his book that he had sexual relations with several girls after breaking up with his girlfriend.

    The actor said in his book that after breaking up with his girlfriend, he had relationships with so many women that he fell ill. Will Smith's book was released earlier this month. In it, he has shared his life and experiences so far.

    Will Smith said the girl he broke up with was just 16 years old. "The breakup was unbearable for me," Will Smith said. After that I started getting intimate with many women. The actor also explained the reason for doing so. "I wanted peace because there is no cure for heartbreak," he said.

    Will Smith said he used the girl to do a lot of shopping and relationships with all the girls to divert his attention and avoid depression. Will Smith said that while in a relationship, he was having sexual relations with only one girl, but after the break-up, as he started having relations with many girls, his health deteriorated.

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