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    The McDonald's branch in the United States received such a large order that the workers started running

    NEW YORK (Monitoring Desk) - A McDonald's branch in the United States recently received such a large order from a local jail that people were stunned when a McDonald's worker reported the matter on his Tik Tok account.

    According to the Daily Star, this tickling girl named Britney Curtis said that she works at a McDonald's branch where she received an order of 6400 items in the last few days and she and my co-workers had to prepare it in just four hours.

    Britney explains that the order was worth 7400$ in which we were to make 1600 muck chicken, 1600 muck doubles and 3200 cookies.  In the video Britney shows a large number of burgers and cookies and explains that we made all these orders in just four hours while the restaurant is also open.  The order was so large that we had to hire two men who had calculators to count the items.

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