• Breaking News

    Terrible revelation in investigation, data of 7 million people stolen in recent cyber attack

    CALIFORNIA (Web Desk) - Robin Hood Markets Inc. has revealed that an investigation into last week's November 3 cyber-attack revealed that the data of nearly seven million people had been stolen and that hackers had demanded huge sums of money for data recovery. 

    According to the website Moment News, the hackers got the emails of 5 million out of 7 million people and the full names of 2 million people. Not only this, but hackers also got more personal information like birth dates and zip codes of about 310 customers.

    Robin Hood's statement further revealed that even more personal information of users belonging to Group 10 was hacked. The Melino Park, however, claims that the hacking did not cause any financial loss as the hackers did not get the information such as the user's credit card or social security number.

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