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    Easy way to read deleted messages on WhatsApp

    New York (Monitoring Desk) WhatsApp is constantly introducing some new features for the convenience of the users. In 2017, a 'Delete for Everyone' feature was introduced through which any user can delete a message sent to you from both themselves and your phone. If a friend of yours sends you a message and deletes it before you read it, then you are sure to be mentally disturbed, but don't worry because there is a solution to every problem and now delete it. One of the solutions to read the messages sent by a tick-tock girl is through one of her videos.

    In a video posted on her tick talk handle nissa_gobz, the girl explains using a Samsung phone that if you want to read deleted messages on WhatsApp, go to your app settings and select the 'Apps & Notifications' option. Go there and turn on the 'Notification History' option. After turning it on, you will also be able to read deleted WhatsApp messages.

    You might need to look down to peruse erased messages. In the remarks on this video, certain individuals are commending this strategy, yet some say that this technique deals with their phones.

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