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    Special day for single people in China

    Every year in China, November 11 is celebrated as Singles Day. For people who are not in any kind of romantic relationship, their relationship status is called single.

    In our society, single people are ignored till the day of their marriage as if they do not exist, but as soon as their relationship is established, they suddenly become the center of attention of the whole family.

    Before that, of course, they would visit Mars, find a cure for an incurable disease, or do a Ph.D. in two different subjects from the best university in the world, maybe someone noticed them.

    However, when they are willing or willing to sign a paper with someone, the interest of the whole family increases.

    All of a sudden, each of their relatives wants to attend every stage of their marriage.

    After the wedding, they are invited to their home for a feast, at which all kinds of food are offered to them and they are fed with insistence.

    Even after that, in their life, every relative of theirs, including both their legs, arms, head and torso, is worn out till the couple starts breaking up.

    After that, while doing 'we are just in such a hobby ...', we go to share in the happiness of another couple.

    Therefore, a signature gives a person the importance that he does not get in return for any other work.

    Then there is Valentine's Day, which is purely a couple's day. On this day, every company and brand does its marketing with couples in mind and introduces deals for their entertainment.

    In comparison, no day is celebrated for single people. No company does marketing for them, does not sell them, does not make special products. They don't get a discount for being single anywhere.

    This does not happen in China. November 11 is Single Day in China.

    The day was started by four Chinese boys studying at Nanjing University in the 1990s. He chose 11 dates for this day because of its number 1111. In his opinion, the digit of each (1) coming in this date showed one of them.

    In addition, the number 1, according to Chinese belief, represents a man who is unable to add a new line to his family tree.

    Over the next few years, the day began to be celebrated at universities other than Nanjing University and has since become an unofficial festival throughout the country.

    The number of single people in China is 240 million, However, these people are not as scared as us.

    According to a study, most single people living in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai are not even interested in changing their relationship status.

    This is due to rising inflation and the competitive environment in the country. Many single Chinese prefer to spend their money, time and energy on pursuing a career rather than on finding a partner for themselves and developing a relationship with them.

    On Singles Day, people who are interested in celebrating this day party with their friends.

    Many events are held for them where they can meet each other and get rid of their loneliness.

    Some people's friends even plan a blind date for them.

    This date is also very famous in China for marriage. Many Chinese couples choose this date for their wedding.

    However, over the years, it has become more of a shopping day for single people and their loneliness. On this day, Alibaba Group, a Chinese e-commerce company, holds the biggest sale of the year on its online shopping apps.

    This year began in 2009. The purpose was to give single people the opportunity to purchase gifts of their choice.

    Couples give gifts to each other several times a year but there is no one in the life of a single person who gives them gifts. Alibaba had encouraged them to buy gifts for themselves through this sale.

    In 2009, only 27 companies on Alibaba's online shopping apps and websites participated in the sale. In the years to come, more companies will participate in the Singles Day Sale. Last year, the number of companies participating in the sale was 2.5 million, including 2,000 luxury brands.

    Singles Day Sale has become the world's largest shopping festival. Shopping on Alibaba on this day is more than the total shopping on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday.

    There is a strong possibility that we will buy all those gifts from the friends who have hoped to bring something from China for them.

    One of the reasons for the cell's popularity is that it falls between Chinese National Day and the Lunar New Year. The Chinese are now ready to spend money. They have to buy new things for the new year. Companies take advantage of this opportunity to offer attractive offers on their products.

    As soon as the Chinese start November, they start putting their favorite things in their cart. Pay at 12 o'clock and buy things. Even a moment's delay at this point can move their belongings into someone else's shopping bags.

    This year, Alibaba is promoting Sustainability in the sale and encouraging people to buy eco-friendly products and products.

    For this, Alibaba has given 100 million Yuan On Green Shopping Vouchers on its online shopping apps.

    Another shopping app, JD, says it will use eco-friendly vehicles to reach online shoppers. In addition, green recycling packaging will be used to pack these products.

    A company, Xinjiang, has announced the distribution of 7.5 million eggs to consumers participating in its recycling campaign.

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