• Breaking News

    Life's algorithm works just like Facebook's

    Does Facebook show you dirty (or unwanted) ads? Life is like Facebook, but first, let's look at the way it works.

    The package of instructions and rules that Facebook runs is called an algorithm. There is a whole system behind everything that is coming in front of you while running your thumb on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You may have forgotten the purpose of everything on your wall, but Facebook remembers it well.

    Everything you post, share, the view is recorded and there is a regular addition and subtraction of how much time you are spending. Facebook then decides what to show you and what to hide.

    Facebook wasn't born that way. In the beginning, all his estimates were based on people's 'likes'. The more you like the post, the more it will be visible to others. Then Facebook set a rule that the more time people spend on a post, the more it will be promoted. Three or four years ago, instead of likes, the future of making a heart or posting on other emojis began to be decided. Then Facebook thought that the posts of the people you talk to more should be shown more on your wall.

    As a result of all this, criticism has started on Facebook that fights, scandals, and misinformation posts have started circulating and the good stuff is buried in them. Finally, Facebook announced that the quality of the post will be checked at the same time, and at the same time, all these things are included in the basic automatic rules that run Facebook or any social media.

    The real cry came when you were shown ads using all this information. The big companies have become vigilant, the question of consumer rights and privacy have been raised but the local consumer still thinks that Facebook started showing dirty and sometimes pointless advertisements. Everything you see throughout the day will be shown to you in advertisements.

    This has become a matter of social media, life also runs on some unspoken principles.

    You do one thing, take the second step as a result, the situation that develops after these two leads you to take the third step and so time goes on.

    Sometimes it feels like the servant is stuck, what is to be done is not happening and what is not to be done is just happening. It is the result of being trapped in an algorithm of life.

    Does your hair growth include your own will? Breathing, heartbeat, growing nails, blinking, frowning, moving the hand to the affected part of the body in case of pain, all these things are automatic but how basic are these? It's all the body's algorithm.

    The same is true of algorithms. Things are getting complicated over time. Just like when Facebook started there was no special algorithm in 2004, by 2021 it has become a web of codes and rules that run everything in auto mode.

    Man in the past was simple, there were two or three possibilities of what would happen after taking a step. Nowadays there is a complex setup of possibilities that is in front of you but ... You can't go out of this setup before and you can't go now.

    Just as you can't write a blank text post on Instagram, no more than two minutes and 19 seconds of video can be uploaded on Twitter, so you can't fulfill your wish within the next two hours.

    If you have the ability, if you have the resources, you will not know the exact method, if you know that, there will be a third technical compulsion, if you know all the methods, then there will be no money and you will hang on and hang on for many years. So this hangover is actually due to being stuck in the same set of algorithms and who stuck you in that set?

    Your birth conditions!

    The elders you were born with, the area you were born in, the color and race, the resources available, the language, the scientific development, all these things together tied you up, limited you, more Algorithms seem to be complicated to you from the first day till today. Why? Because the reaction to what you did becomes part of your algorithm.

    So is there any way to get out of all the fog?

    The same 'unwanted' advertisements of Baba have not stopped till today. You ask the methods?

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