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    Soak these 4 things in water overnight and peel them in the morning

    The following post will be useful insha-Allah. This is a suggestion. If you are in a bad condition and the following post does not work, then consult a doctor. May Allah give you health.

    Today's version is great. You can soak this thing in water at night. And drink on an empty stomach in the morning. I guarantee that your body will not be deficient in calcium even for a hundred years. By drinking this, your body will never grow old. The eyes and the mind will always be sharp. And if you have pain in the bones and joints, there is a pain in the knees. There is a problem with walking. All these troubles will end, God willing. This prescription will undoubtedly increase the iron strength in you. If you feel tired and lethargic in your body. You can get rid of all these diseases by drinking them. Take seven almond kernels to make this recipe. Almonds are great for the brain and eyes. And they strengthen muscles and bones. Eliminate cheapness. Then you take half a spoon of poppy. Wash and dry the poppy seeds. Then use it. It is rich in calcium. It strengthens the body. Eliminates fatigue and anxiety. Take a clean bowl or cup. Put these things in it. Now put half four nuts in it. The four brains are the best ingredients for our skin and our hair and our body.

    Then soak these three ingredients in water. Cover this cup overnight. Mix it well. And keep the cup covered for the whole night. The next morning you will see that all the ingredients have swelled. And the color of the water has also changed. Now you do this. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. When you peel the almonds. So you leave two tablespoons of water. Discard the remaining water.

    Blend these ingredients in a blender. The paste will be ready. Then add a cup of cold milk. If you want, take sweet milk. Or take skim milk. You can make this paste in large quantities and store it in the refrigerator for two days. Do not store more than that. Then mix all these ingredients with the help of a spoon. And you have to drink this drink three times a week in the morning on an empty stomach. Pregnant women should not drink. Feel free to use it in summer. Its use will remove heat from the liver and stomach. For children older than 12 years, mix one tablespoon of this paste in a glass of milk. This will keep you healthy and strong.

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