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    Merciful children of prosperous families

    Have mercy on the children of prosperous families too!

    I saw a 13-year-old well-dressed baby and I missed him!

    Everyone feels sorry for the children who work as laborers, pick up old paper from the rubbish heap, beg and clean the car window, but what about the children who belong to well-to-do families? They too deserve mercy!

    He sat him down and asked: Have you seen the starry night sky? What are the trees around your house? Ever wondered what cloud shapes make? When was the last time you saw Rainbow? How much do you walk every day? Ever bathed in rain? Have you seen the sunrise?

    What colors are in the twilight before sunset? When traveling on the motorway, do you observe the gardens of Malta, the crops grown in the fields, the buffaloes bathing in the lakes, and the birds flying in the sky? Will you recognize the dove? Have you ever really seen a living rabbit? Hardly a question he answered in the affirmative. And these are questions that are not very difficult for children living in the city. I looked at it carefully again. 

    I miss you even more! Many questions cannot be asked of this child. Asked if he ever slept on the roof or in the yard at night in the summer? So his mouth will be wide open with surprise. And what is the difference between the wheat and barley plants and the millet and millet plants? What is the diet of cows and buffaloes? Ever kissed a goat lamb? Why does smoke rise from every house in the town at 9:10 in the morning? What is the name given to the fuel which is stirred in the oven? How do you cover yourself with a warm blanket when you go out in the cold? What is a lantern? What is the shape of a clay lamp? Ever gone to deliver food to a traveler staying in a mosque after Maghrib prayers? What is the arrangement of drinking water for the oxen, buffaloes and horses kept in the houses? And just ask how yogurt is made, where butter comes from and what pure ghee is made from, they can hardly tell.

    How pitiful are these children who spend their days on the foam-like pieces of double bread, on the perishable pizza flour, and on half-cooked, half-raw burgers? They drank water from springs and not from wells! They drink bottled water, the value of which is a glass, or even a sip, accumulating in the coffers of others abroad. Sorry! He also found his parents on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram. Parents have no time or mind to provide them with breakfast, homemade butter and pure milk for breakfast. Compare today's child with that of four or five decades ago. Village or town aside, let's talk about the city. The child would walk to school in the morning. 

    The relatively happy child had his own bicycle. Some children went by bus. But whichever way they went, there was no issue of security. The schools of that time did not have houses and dormitories. These were special buildings with large playgrounds. Physical fitness periods, like today, were not just two days a week, but every day. These children came home from school to do their homework. Deals were also brought to the mother or sister from the shop in the neighborhood. After doing their homework, around noon, they would arrive at the nearest ground in the neighborhood, where all sports, from hockey, volleyball, and football, were played. 

    There would be the call to prayer in the evening, there all the children would leave the game and walk home. There was no idea of ​​staying out of the house after sunset. The innovation of celebrating birthdays was not yet common. Television had arrived, but it had specific times. Playing and running in the evenings, these children would go to bed early at night. Magic was not as common as it is today, it was common. Junk food was not a problem. Hooligans and Maltese were part of the diet of the rich and the poor. The biggest and scariest pit in the path of today's child awakens. 

    There are very few parents who are able to put their children to bed on time. After all, television, the Internet and the offspring of the Internet, social media, have succeeded in turning these children from humans to rats. On the one hand, playgrounds have fallen prey to land-hungry, on the other hand, laptops, tablets and mobile phones have left children mentally handicapped and physically challenged. The decline in physical development is obvious. Ten-eleven-year-olds are walking around wearing glasses. Every child is confined to his own world. This world consists of only one screen. This child's study, play, fun, relaxation, everything is inside this screen. He sits still for hours, staring at the screen. Its strengths are weakening. Walking is nominal. If he is told to get out of the room and sit on the lawn or in the courtyard, albeit for a short time, the answer will be that there is no Wi-Fi.

    One dark side has already been mentioned, namely the poor condition of the food. The other side that is worse and more harmful is the awkward eating times. When there were no dining tables in the house and the handkerchiefs were lying on the floor, everyone in the house was present. Dastar Khan also worked in the training center. Here children were taught manners. The principles of distinction and precedence and delay were explained. Now comes the expensive dining table, but everyone eats at different times. 

    The rotation of the sky also showed that some people are having lunch in the same house, some people are having breakfast at the same time. Hobbies have become such that one wakes up at night. When you wake up, you feel hungry. In such a situation, the food people became silver. Especially fast food people. Food is delivered to homes overnight. The elders of the house fall asleep. At twelve o'clock the children order over the phone and dinner is served. What a time constraint and where the magic !! However, the online classes made up for the shortfall. This is a compulsion but a disgusting compulsion! Now the ban on getting up in the morning to take a bath, change clothes and have breakfast has also been lifted. All you need to do is open your eyes. While lying down, open the laptop or tablet on your stomach. The parade has begun.

    There is someone who feels sorry for these children!

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