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    Do not understand! what should we do?

    The animal you see in the picture is called a porcupine.

    It is a herbivore and lives in crops. It is not predatory. He does not attack anyone. Naturally a poor and helpless creature.

    But it is attacked by every predator. From dogs to foxes and from leopards to bears all attack it.

    Some ambush and attack, while others boldly attack from the front. Predators use a variety of tactics.

    He always wins the battle of survival. And its prevention strategy is very straightforward and simple.

    It uses its core strength to defend. In case of attack, it raises its thorns and chills. Invading animals are wounded and humiliated by thorns.

    From this animal, we can learn the trick of survival in life.

    Whenever things get tough.

    Start slapping from all sides

    Some do not understand what to do in such a situation. Just be quiet and become a porcupine. Find your core strengths and use them to overcome difficulties.

    Keep your strategy and tactics simple.

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