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    Lung cancer

    Every year around the world, the entire month of November is celebrated as "Lung Cancer Awareness" organized by the International Association for the Study of Lungs Cancer. The level of information has to be disseminated because lung cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in the world after breast cancer.

    According to figures released by the World Health Organization, 2.2 million people worldwide fell victim to the disease in 2020, while about 1.8 million died. It should be noted that lung cancer is more deadly than other types of cancer and has a higher mortality rate than other cancers.

    The lungs are the most important organs in our body, connected to each other on the right and left and look like bean seeds. It is through them that the process of respiration takes place. In fact, when we breathe in, the air travels through the nose to the inner parts of the lungs. The lungs separate clean oxygen from the air and add it to the blood (which is essential for the body's energy supply) and release harmful carbon dioxide.

    This whole process is carried out under a systematic system, for which the lungs must be healthy. If the lungs are healthy, then we will not have any difficulty in breathing. During the Corona epidemic, this was widely observed and the importance of the lungs became apparent to the general public. The coronavirus attacks the lungs directly by inhalation and affects their function, causing difficulty in breathing.

    Several patients infected with COD-19 suffered from oxygen deprivation, many of whom were simply given oxygen, while those whose breathing was temporarily suspended were given ventilator pressure. With oxygen provided. The importance of the lungs can also be gauged from this.

    * Lung disorders: There are many diseases of the lungs, including pneumonia and its worst form coronavirus, chronic cough, respiratory disease, asthma, tuberculosis, etc. The most deadly of these is lung cancer. Just as the other parts of our body are made up of cells, so too in the lungs are many thousands of cells found in layers. Acquired, which in medical terms is called tumor or tumor.

    This increase in cells causes many disorders in the body, such as obstruction of blood supply to any part of the body or dysfunction of veins by pressure, etc. Lung cancer is very expensive and difficult to treat, but prevention measures are just as simple and easy for everyone. Medical experts and research institutes around the world agree that the main cause of lung cancer is tobacco use, whether it is done in the form of cigarettes or through Hakka, glasses, etc. According to a conservative estimate, smoking. The incidence of lung cancer is 80 to 90%.

    In fact, tobacco contains about 4,000 harmful chemicals, including nicotine, which can be inhaled and inhaled in the lungs when inhaled. These chemicals include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, cyanide, etc., and all of these harmful ingredients combine to cause lung cancer. For this reason, the disease is always associated with smoking. In addition to environmental pollution, people who spend time with smokers (such as family members and colleagues) are also at risk.

    In a medical study, experts have suggested that people who have been addicted to smoking for 30 years or more and are currently between the ages of 55 and 80, or who have been smoking for 30 years or more. People who have quit, but have been smoking continuously for 15 years at any age, should be checked by a qualified physician from time to time to prevent lung cancer. Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, can also cause lung cancer. The prevalence of the disease is higher in the urban population, due in part to environmental and industrial pollution.

    ٭ Symptoms: The symptoms of lung cancer are usually different. It depends on the size of the tumor in the affected area and the spread or indirect effect of cancer on other parts of the body. However, the most common symptom of lung cancer is cough. Initially, there is a dry cough, but later there may be phlegm. It should be noted that if a person is already suffering from chest disease due to smoking and the cough suddenly intensifies or a new symptom appears with the cough, then the doctor should be consulted immediately to find out if it is lung cancer. Maybe a symbol of

    Blood in the saliva or mucus is also considered an important symptom. If smokers have blood in their mucus, it is best to get a lung cancer test with a doctor's advice. In some cases, excessive bleeding with mucus can be fatal. Other symptoms of lung cancer include difficulty breathing, chest pain, difficulty swallowing food, hoarseness, sore throat, muscle tightness and rapid weight loss.

    While none of these symptoms can be considered definitive signs of cancer, they cannot be ignored. However, if any of the above symptoms appear, it is best to consult a specialist as soon as possible to have a final diagnosis, so that timely treatment is possible.

    * Diagnosis: Timely diagnosis is the most important and necessary for the successful treatment of cancer as it multiplies the chances of successful treatment. In addition, the cost of treatment and illness can be significantly reduced.

    X-rays or CT scans are usually recommended for diagnosis. However, a biopsy is essential for the final diagnosis. In addition, "Bronchoscopy" may be suggested, in which the examination is performed by a camera. In some cases, a pet scan is also done to find out how far cancer has spread in the body.

    * Treatment: After the final diagnosis of cancer comes the stage of treatment, which is done according to the stage, type, size and spread of the disease. Also, the general health of the patient, the strength of the lungs, and the patient's ability to be treated are assessed, so that treatment modalities can be proposed with them in mind.

    There are four methods used to treat cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy. If the tumor is confined to its site and is diagnosed at an early stage, it is surgically removed. Also, the chances of recovery after the operation increase. If the tumor has spread from a specific area to other parts of the body and cannot be cured by surgery, then chemotherapy is used. Chemotherapy involves injection and medication. In the third method, the cancer cells are killed by radiation.

    It is important to note that chemo or radiation therapies do not completely eradicate cancer, but it does prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Immunotherapy involves the use of very advanced drugs. However, this treatment is not common. However, keep in mind that no matter what method of treatment is prescribed, the duration of the treatment must be completed, while after complete treatment, follow-up must be done as directed by the physician, because in some cases even after successful treatment, the cancerous particles remain in the body, which gradually increases in number, so regular examination is essential, so that in any such case, God willing, timely treatment can be given.

    ٭ General precautionary measures against the disease: The general precautions mentioned in the guidelines of the World Health Organization for the prevention of lung cancer include smoking cessation, maintaining a healthy weight according to height, seasonal fruits including a balanced diet, These include eating vegetables, exercising or walking regularly, abstaining from alcohol, getting vaccinated against HPV and hepatitis B if prescribed by a doctor, and living in an environment free from contaminants and radiation.

    Lung cancer is a life-threatening disease, which is very important to know and take precautions to prevent. It should be noted that the purpose of such awareness articles is not to make the public fear or suspect the disease, but to encourage them to take general precautions to maintain their health, so that any disease. To be safe and in case of illness, it can be treated in time.

    However, to curb the spread of this contagious disease, the government should take various anti-smoking measures on a priority basis, including a further increase in taxes on cigarettes, strict enforcement of restrictions on its use in educational institutions and all public places. Etc. For the timely diagnosis of the disease, a cancer department should be set up in all government hospitals, where specialist doctors with all the necessary resources are also present.

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