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    How to protect children in the present age - child rearing and misconceptions

    It is often heard that the new generation is heading towards misbehavior due to internet and social media, the young generation is suffering from negative activities and wrong tendencies due to social media.  The media is harmful to young people.

    Is that really the case?

    Recent research has shown that social media is not as harmful to the new generation as intimidation. However, it is up to young people to decide how they are using it.  It will be seen that while the unemployment rate is increasing due to various reasons, many young people are looking for a living using the internet especially social media.

    It would not be wrong to say that young people are becoming financially independent because of the Internet.

     There was a time when you had to wait for the newspaper the next day to get the news, then with the advent of TV and private channels, every hour of awareness started, but now every news is one click away.  A large number of students are also benefiting from Google.

    Whenever there is a problem or misunderstanding in an article, students search for the solution with one click on Google or YouTube instead of searching in books, which has the advantage of saving their time.  As well as finding solutions to the problem, other information is added.

    Social media is like a tool that can be used positively for the betterment of oneself and others and negatively can also harm the society.

    It all depends on the attitude of the users and the choice of content.

    The fact is that today's child is living in an age of information which could not have been imagined twenty-five years ago. Adolescents and children are getting a lot of information through the internet but there is still a problem.  Yes, that's right you can now become known as a Lord of the Rings.

    These things can be very harmful and detrimental to the young minds.

    The usefulness of the Internet cannot be denied. Because it is a storehouse of knowledge and research. However, pornographic and violent websites are also common on the Internet.  Many young people use the internet so much that they become addicted to it.

    According to a study, the risk of depression is much higher in young people who are online almost all the time. Medical experts  Name the use.

    It is the responsibility of parents, especially mothers, to protect their children from the harmful effects of the Internet.

    In this regard, the child can be explained what is good and what is bad. The most important way to keep children safe from bad information is to check them from time to time.  Living is like supervising a children's playground.

    After allowing the child access to the Internet, try to stop it by force or violence, remember that the child has a lot of curiosity.

    The question will keep circulating in his mind as to why I have been stopped from this thing, and what is happening on this hidden site? The child cannot be forcibly stopped from this harmful site  One should try that such and such things are wrong and harmful.

    According to experts, the best training for children is their best training, so that they can use the Internet positively. Parents should stay with their children when their children use the Internet.

    Instead of a children's room, the computer should be placed somewhere in the house where everyone in the house can come and go, such as a TV lounge, so that children's internet usage can be monitored.  In the meantime, children should have parental protection and children should be warned never to give out their personal information on the Internet.

    Do not share your photos or your computer and internet passwords with anyone. If anyone ever gives a child a nasty message, the child should immediately tell his / her parents about it.  Can be easily identified.

    Remember!  It is almost impossible to protect children on the Internet without parental attention and supervision. Parents should also know which files their children have downloaded. In addition, parents should give their children time and  Encourage the child. Because the child is hungry for desire.

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