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    The flu or influenza is a contagious disease that in many cases causes distress to humans around the world. Whenever the flu becomes epidemic, it becomes dangerous.

     Medical experts say that there are three types of flu virus, A, B and C, in which the virus B is relatively less contagious, while the C virus usually causes colds and flu.

    Type A virus is dangerous. The virus infects a large population whenever it spreads. The worrying aspect of this virus is that it changes its form and reappears after a while.

     Flu is a viral infection of the respiratory tract. It causes weakness along with headache, fever and muscle aches.

     Colds, runny nose, vomiting and nausea, joint stiffness, loss of appetite Cough with or without mucus, sore throat, sweating, runny nose, change of taste in hands and mouth are symptoms of flu.

    People living in congested areas with lung and heart weakness are more likely to get the flu. Older people also need to take special precautions to prevent the flu. Caution is required after the flu.  If you do not feel well after the flu, especially if you have a brown or green mucus with a cough, you must see a doctor.

     To protect against flu, boil three grams of celery and three grams of cinnamon and drink their water. It is said that it is useful to drink water.  Drinking about four times a day relieves the flu.

     Three grams of ginger or ginger, seven basil leaves, seven black peppers, a little cinnamon, all boiled in two cups of water and mixed with sugar and drinking lukewarm, it cures influenza and headache.

     This coffee is useful in case of spread of disease.

     The use of honey in case of flu relieves cough. Reduces fever and headache.

     In case of influenza, grind five grams of cinnamon, two cloves, a quarter of ginger and boil it in one kilogram of water.

     It is useful to mix two teaspoons of honey, 200 ml of milk, half a teaspoon of baking soda in the morning and half a teaspoon in the evening.

     Grind peppers and mix half a teaspoon of its powder, two teaspoons of honey and half a teaspoon of ginger juice and feed it thrice a day.

     Green leaves of Tulsi (Niaz Bo or Rehan). Boil one gram of green leaves and some ginger (ginger) in half a liter of water. When half of this water is left, take it off the stove and drink it like tea.  ۔

     Garlic and turmeric are also good for influenza.

     Garlic has antiseptic properties. It is similarly useful to sniff garlic juice through the nose. It is said that it is useful to put one teaspoon of crushed turmeric in a cup of warm water and drink it thrice a day.


     If the flu is severe, the patient should give up solid foods. Mix the same amount of water (ie, half water, half juice) in fruit and vegetable juices and use for three or five days (depending on the severity of the disease).  Should keep doing

     This juice should be continued until the temperature returns to normal.

     After the fever subsided, the patient continued to consume only fruits for two or three days.  Do not take canned fruit.

     Then add milk with fruit for two to three days. Then start eating a balanced diet consisting of three basic food groups. These food groups consist of seeds, nuts (almonds, walnuts and peanuts), vegetables and fruits.  Lemon juice can also be added to salads.

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