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    Donald Trump give me my money back

    Donald Trump lost the election, now he has to leave the White House, but in the meantime, he is also facing many troubling issues.

    President Trump called the recent US election fraud and accused it of rigging, for which he had appealed to the Supreme Court, but he did not win the election in any way. The good news did not come.

    Frederick Eshleman, a business friend of President Trump, has claimed that when Trump said that the election was rigged.

    And if he is defeated by stealing his vote, then the friend gave Trump  2.5$ million to help him fight his case in court. Now that Trump has not been able to prove all these allegations, he has also lost the election.

    So he is very sorry and he is ashamed that he gave so much money in aid to a false friend.

    So now, in the face of this failure, he is demanding a refund from President Donald Trump for the aid money he has given. Given for the victory of morality

    "It simply came to our notice then that President Trump and some close friends came to me and said that the vote had been stolen in at least seven states, which he wanted to sue. Had helped him.

    But the court's decision is against Trump, on which he has been proved to be a liar, so now return my money to me. Remember.

    That Donald Trump had filed a petition in the recent US election in 38 different courts alleging election fraud and fraudulent vote casting, of which not a single court had ruled in his favor.

    While the Pennsylvania court even pulled President Trump's legal team that the case which is not only on merit, you took it and went to court.

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