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    Discovery of a mass grave dating back to ancient civilization in Peru

    Archaeologists have unearthed a mass grave in the ancient city of Peru, which they believe buried the aristocrats of an ancient civilization.

    The discovery was made in the ancient city of Chenchen, 500 km north of the Peruvian capital Lima, which literally means "bright sun" and was the largest earthen fortified city in the United States before Colombia.

    The fort had ten walled palaces and about 30,000 citizens lived in this fortified city of 20 square kilometers.

    UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1986 and added it to the endangered World Heritage List.

    According to a report by the French news agency AFP, experts said that the members of the elite of the Chemo Empire may have been buried in this mass grave.

    The Chemo Empire reached its peak in the 15th century, and its rule over parts of present-day Peru lasted until the defeat of their empire.

    Archaeologists say the remains of 25 people, mostly women and children, have been found in the 10-square-meter-long tomb.

    According to a BBC report, archaeologist George Menes Bartra said the position of one of the skeletons suggests that he was buried there shortly after his death.

    Other bones indicate that they were later transferred to the grave because the bones were intertwined and appeared to have been breached by some natural element.

    Archaeologist Cynthia Cueva told Reuters the discovery showed that the Chemo people were handling and transporting the remains of their loved ones.

    Remains tests will be performed to determine the cause of death.

    Scientists have also found dozens of pottery and textile-making tools, including needles.

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