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    American singer who sleeps with makeup

    Leading American singer and actress Dolly Parton sleeps at night without taking off her makeup, breaking a basic principle of beauty.

    The country music legend told WSJ Magazine that she would "go out at midnight" if a natural disaster struck, in which case she would keep her make-up on.

    "I do all the beautiful work and clean my face in the morning because I usually try to keep my make-up on at night," said Dolly, 75.

    "Because I don't know when an earthquake is coming or a storm and I have to go out at midnight!"

    She is set to launch her perfume in July under the name Dolly. She joked that when she got home she didn't take off her make-up completely because "my poor husband has to look after me." She was married to Carl Thomas Dean, now a retired businessman. And 54 years old.

    In 2019, she told the New York Times that she slept in her make-up so that she would always be prepared for possible tragedies, such as a "tour bus wreck" or a hotel fire.

    In the interview, she said that when she wakes up at three in the morning, she takes off her traditional make-up. After applying cold cream, she quickly reapplies her make-up, which she calls 'glamorous trash'.

    She fixes her makeup all day long, but when it comes to going out in the evening, she adds a little more shade, a little more glitter, glitter or bright lipstick.

    Dolly revealed that she uses "a lot of Maybelline products." In addition, she has been using Max Factor Pensistic Makeup and Alma Kajal products for many years.

    When it comes to the interior of the house, Dolly prefers 'children's clothes' to 'sweet clothes'.

    "I don't wear sweatpants," he said. I have my own home clothes, like a little teddy bear, then if I catch a cold I have a little jacket or shirt to match. I call them my baby clothes because they are soft like a baby. '

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