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    Tips: Face stay fresh like a rose

    This fast-paced life and busyness have made it easy for women. Most of us try ready-made creams and lotions for face, neck, hands and feet cleansing, care and grooming methods. Women whose skin is sensitive. 

    They stop using chemical products or use them cautiously after suffering from various ailments like itching, rashes, redness of the skin. Today we are going to show you some simple techniques in your low budget with which you can also brighten your skin with the help of tips. If the skin color becomes dull or dark; Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Will be

    If freckles begin to appear on the skin; Aloo Bukhara Pulp 1/2 cup Rogan Almond A teaspoon Lemon A few drops Mix the three ingredients together and keep in a bottle and apply on the freckles and lines on the face for 15 to 20 minutes daily, the impression of premature aging will go away ۔ For the beauty of hands and feet, grind walnut powder or walnut to make a powder. A little poppy seed milk. 

    After finishing the work of fresh upper kitchen and washing the dishes, use this mixture as scrubbing and rub it with soft hands and let it dry on the skin. Wash after a while. Fresh Fruit Mask can be made as a seasonal fruit mask. If you have stress fruits available, take their pulp and apply it to your face, it will brighten your skin. 

    The pores will also be closed and the increase in blood flow will also make the face feel refreshed. How to make a dry skin mask? Mix two tablespoons of fresh cream in one tablespoon of olive oil (cooking oil) and apply it on the skin of the face, neck, hands and feet to reduce dryness and dullness of the skin. Soak pads in water and clean the face. The corn flakes mask used for breakfast can give good results. Crush them with a spoon and mix them with olive oil or fresh cream (top) and apply it on the face for ten minutes to moisturize the skin. Acne masks are sensitive to your skin, so it is best not to use any products containing chemical ingredients. 

    Grind a few leaves of eucalyptus. Mix one to two cloves as required and one tablespoon of sandalwood powder mixed with rose liqueur and apply it on the delicate skin of the face. As products made from plant ingredients and foods are low cost and lead to lasting and pleasant changes. Be happy. Use water. Drink green tea. Don't eat too much red meat. Also, with the help of the above tips, the face will stay fresh like a rose.

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