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    Negotiations for a coalition government are well underway, says Olaf Schulz

    Negotiations are underway between three political parties in Germany to form a new government. It is possible that they will resolve their differences and reach an agreement on forming a government soon.

    Olaf Schulz, who is looking forward to becoming Germany's next chancellor, says his political party is the Social Democratic Union (SPD), the eco-friendly Green Party and the pro-business Democratic Party (FDP). Negotiations to form a new government are well underway.

    He also said that the process is moving forward in a better way and soon all the differences will be resolved amicably. He made the remarks during a luncheon hosted by the prestigious daily Zoddeutsche Zeitung. However, he declined to give further details of the talks.

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    The talks, which have been taking place in the German capital, Berlin, for the past few weeks, are working out the details of future government action.

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    In this negotiation process, the three political parties are busy setting priorities for different policies. One of the key issues is the next government's big investment in environmental protection and policymaking. This includes the creation of environmentally friendly infrastructure within the country and the inclusion of eco-friendliness in the education system on a priority basis. The negotiating Green Party campaigned on this basis.

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    Possible conflicting issues

    It has been reported that the three political parties are busy clarifying the issues of budget and foreign policy, while the obstacles that seem to have arisen in resolving these issues are also connected with them.

    The Green Party wants to allocate 50 billion euros annually for eco-friendly investment and other arrangements, and this is also considered a divisive issue. In this context, Green Party leader Analiana Beerbok said in a statement just last week that her party wants transparency in the implementation of the 2015 Climate Deal and that this is the main condition for signing the Coalition Government Deal.

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    On the other hand, the conservative Free Democratic Party on fiscal matters wants the annual government deficit to be frozen at 0.35% of GDP. There is also disagreement on this issue.

    Significantly, Chancellor Angela Merkel's government helped lift the government's deficit by raising billions of euros from private financial institutions during the Corona epidemic.

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