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    Murder of humanity in Sialkot

    I bowed my head in shame at the tragic incident that took place in Sialkot and the thought arose in my heart as to which nation we are. Does our religion teach us this? It teaches. It is said in the Holy Quran that Whoever kills someone without being a murderer or a rioter on earth, is as if he has killed all the people. No court has been set up here, nothing has been proved and the people themselves have punished the court by violating the dignity of the state. Religion does not teach us this. Our prophet has always treated non-Muslims kindly. Did you forgive the woman who tried to martyr you by mixing poison in her flesh? Our Prophet did not teach us that a man should be tortured and set on fire in the name of Islam Whatever its guilt, there is the law for it. There are courts. 

    Such inhuman treatment has brought shame on the whole of humanity. Let me tell you in an incident that once in the battle of Banu Mustaliq, the chief of the hypocrites, Abdullah bin Abi Salul, insulted the government and said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wanted to kill him because of his blasphemy. But he did not allow them to do so. He asked permission to kill his father but you also forbade him and said that we will deal kindly and kindly with your father. And not only that, but you also prayed for his forgiveness after his death. This is not the original form of the religion of Islam which was shown by these nine hundred people in Sialkot. Our religion tells us that if If someone does evil, do not become evil with him. Be gentle with him. 

    Do not wrong him unjustly. Islam does not tolerate torture and violence. In Islam, non-Muslims are also instructed to be treated with a high degree of kindness. But despite this, we have some elements who have nothing to do with Islam and who are hiding among us and trying to spread riots in the country. And I was very surprised to hear the statement made by Minister Pervez Khattak after this tragic incident in Sialkot. Pervez Khattak Sahib says that the children were enthusiastic. I am also enthusiastic about religion. But sorry Mr. Pervez Khattak but show this enthusiasm for the development of Pakistan. Don't show the wrong path to the generation, don't train them wrong. 

    This is not enthusiasm, it is total ignorance. Islam has not been spread like this. Islam has been spread in the world on the basis of good morals. But the image of Islam presented in Sialkot is very shameful. In our country, people are painting Islam as they see fit. It is like a lack of character building and training. Therefore, there is a need to take steps at the national level to acquaint the people with the real teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah so that awareness is created among the people. And the real teachings of religion can reach them.

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