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    Islamophobia is a product of the Western worldview of global sovereignty

    The speaker of the Turkish National Assembly, Mustafa Shen Top, said that the issue of Islamophobia was a product of the idea of ​​global sovereignty in the Western world.

    Shin Top addressed the opening ceremony of a panel on "Islamophobia in Europe: Problems and Solutions" in the National Assembly on the occasion of Human Rights Day on December 10.

    In his address, he said that Islamophobia is a problem created by the dream of world sovereignty. The fight against global terrorism will legitimize global sovereignty and Islamophobia will be its most important tactic.

    "The most important thing for global sovereignty is global terrorism," he said.

    Shin-Toop has said that international terrorism, including Al-Qaeda and ISIS, is the product of Western nations and their secret organizations, and that they themselves are helping it.

    Recalling the links of the French construction firm Lafash with the terrorist organization ISIS active in Syria, he said that for example, the court proceedings are underway regarding the support of Lafash to ISIS and the French government being aware of it. This legal issue has coincidentally surfaced with some confessions.

    He said that Islam does not allow terrorism but in order to create Islamophobia in the West, efforts are being made to attribute the name of Muslims to terrorism. They have invented a model of Muslim terrorism and work has begun to facilitate currency and military support to support it. As a result, the real supporter of international terrorism is the originator of Islamophobia, the west. 

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