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    Woman kills pregnant friend by hitting her with a brick, removes 9-month-old baby from her womb

    Many major crime-related incidents in history have shaken the world. People are shocked by these accidents. There are many incidents related to crime, the result of which is also very shocking. A similar incident (Brazil Crime News) has recently come to light in Brazil, where a woman died tragically. Surprisingly, the woman was killed by her friend (Brazil Woman Killed Pregnant Friend).

    According to the Daily Star, a shocking accident took place on August 27 in Canelinha, Brazil. Flavia Godinho Mafra, 24, was 9 months pregnant when her best friend Rosalba Maria Grime offered her a fake baby shower and photoshoot. She took her friend to a secluded place where brickwork was done. Rosalba attacked Flavia several times with a brick (Woman Killed Friend With Brick),

    When she was severely injured, she was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife and her unborn child was taken out of the womb. He then threw the woman to die in an empty furnace, where she died of hemorrhage.

    The doctors handed over the woman to the police

    After Flavia's death, Rosalba arrived at the hospital with her partner. He also kept his partner in the dark. She told her partner that she was pregnant, and when she brought the baby, she told him it was their baby. Upon arrival at the hospital, he told the doctors about his sudden delivery, but the doctors became suspicious and immediately called the police, after which the woman was arrested.

    The woman pleaded guilty in a court

    The woman told the court that she had climbed Flavia and wanted to steal her baby. So she researched online and found out how to get a baby out of the womb. The woman's partner was also found guilty after the whole accident, but when it was proved that she had no hand, she was released. Tell you what, a woman has been sentenced to 57 years in prison.

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