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    Will the Biden administration stand up to Israel's illegal occupation?

    What could change one day? The United States was sitting on the TV screen this week, watching Joe Biden's swearing-in as the 46th President of the United States with hope and joy. The rest of the world was breathing a sigh of relief. The return of diplomatic etiquette and international relations could not have come sooner.

    Donald Trump has ruined America's worldwide reputation over the past four years. Despite the best efforts of allies, whether to unilaterally withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran or withdraw from the Paris Agreement, the former president continued to try to please his (minority) supporters in the face of the international community. As a result of their actions, confidence in the United States has dropped by 50% worldwide since 2016, which is too much and too fast for any country.

    Biden's inauguration sends an immediate message that the United States is ready to return to normalcy. It now seems that the world will take America more seriously than openly ridicule it, as was often the case with world leaders under the previous regime of mismanagement.

    Aware of the deteriorating international relations, Biden made an attempt to connect with allies in his swearing-in speech. Speaking to people "outside our borders," Biden claimed: "America has been tested and we have become more powerful in it. We will restore our ties and reconnect with the world.

    Within hours of being sworn in, the Biden administration began making drastic changes. First and foremost, Biden restored ties with the World Health Organization. Today, Dr. Fauchi will attend a WHO meeting to discuss how to overcome Code 19. With so many lives at stake, Jane Psaki, the new White House press secretary, said the new administration was "not wasting time."

    Biden did not hesitate to return to the Paris Agreement and ratified it in a presidential decree. The move tells the world that the United States will once again be active in tackling climate change and for a greener future.

    Another less obvious change noticed by many Twitter users was the renaming of the US Ambassador to Israel on Twitter from 'US Ambassador to Israel' to 'US Ambassador to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza', although this was soon to follow. Changed again. But the move shows that the United States will once again stand against Israel's illegal occupation. Countries around the world have condemned Donald Trump's move. This is a small step, but it signals a major shift in US policy. Biden had stated during the transition that he intended to appoint a separate council for Palestine instead of the US ambassador to Israel. It will be interesting to see if they can do this.

    Leaders around the world have responded positively to the change in US administration, and some have even launched timely but vicious attacks on Trump. EU Commissioner Arsala von der Leyen tweeted, "America is back and Europe is ready to reconnect with our old trusted friend and breathe new life into our strong alliance."

    Iran went one step further. In a televised cabinet meeting, President Hassan Rouhani said he was grateful that "the tyrant's rule is over."

    Unnecessary tensions between the United States and Iran have soured relations under Trump, and violence has erupted on both sides. Rouhani's remarks may mean that it is time for the two countries to return to better Obama-era relations after the worst sanctions of the Trump era worsened the situation for ordinary Iranians.

    And for those who still see the United States as the "leader of the free world," a president who believes in science, data, and facts can be a great change.

    Biden has demonstrated his ability to change the nation's thinking and image, but the difficulties are huge. It will be difficult to maintain the confidence of foreign leaders, especially after Trump's easy departure from previously signed agreements.

    The reversal of Trump-era decisions will have its consequences. The fact that Biden withdrew his controversial Stone XL pipeline project on its first day and did not discuss it with Canadian officials could be a source of frustration for Canada. Although it does not appear to have been done on purpose.

    Biden will have to be careful in reversing Trump's actions and remember that most of Trump's rhetoric must have been taken seriously by leaders around the world.

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