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    Why is the West sexist?

    In the Western world, sexual perversion tendencies are generally viewed in the context of religion and morality, and are considered to be the result of distance from religion and morality.  This opinion is not wrong, but it is very superficial.  It is true that man deviates from religion and morality and suffers from various deviations.  Do I get stuck?

     The religious universe is a "God-centered" universe, in contrast to which the modern West has created a "man-centered" universe by denying God.  Even Alexander Pope said, "The proper study of mankind is man."

     But man cannot be the measure of man.  Only with the existence of God do human relationships become meaningful, beautiful and human.  When God is removed from the midst of human beings, the relationship between man and man becomes a relationship of conflict, conflict, and suspension;  The fallacy of the great people of the West is that they believe that they created a "man-centered" universe instead of the "God-centered" universe and enhanced man's dignity, or its eternity.  Restored dignity  The problem now is whether humanism is a good thing or a bad thing, but it is a solid thing anyway.  In contrast, ego and egoism are isolated situations.  The West believes that it traveled from abstraction to solidity by denying God and creating man as the center of the universe.  But the fact is that the West has moved from solidity to abstraction.  This means that the humanism of the West was nothing but a hoax.  The real game behind it was Anna's and Anna's, which seems to establish a complementary relationship with the mountains.  Thus the fact that the "ego center" of the West, or the center of civilization, has had an effect on the sexual attitudes and tendencies of the people of the Western world.

    Colin Wilson's famous work, The Outsider, begins with an excerpt from a well-known novelist in the Western world:

    this whole quote is important in terms of the subject under discussion, especially its last lines.  But before we move on, let's talk a little bit about Colin Wilson's The Outsider.

     Outsider was published in the late 1950's.  Colin Wilson was only twenty-five years old at the time, and the book became an overnight sensation for him.  The concept of the Outsider was not new, but Colin Wilson's Outsider made it a permanent subject and perspective of literary criticism around the world.  The question is who is the outsider?  He is an individual of the industrial society who has been cut off from the society, who has become a stranger in the society, whose identity has been lost.  Colin Wilson explored this man's roots and various faces in Western literature.  In it, he has analyzed the works of more than a dozen prominent Western poets, writers and thinkers, including Kafka, Dostoevsky, James Joyce, TS Elliott, Ernest Hemingway and Nietzsche.  Remember, Askari Sahib, while making a sarcastic comment on Colin Wilson, said that now it has become a situation in the West that twenty-five year old lads are claiming prophethood.  Askari's comment was correct in that Wilson did not have the insight to describe the spirit of man and civilization, but the importance of his writings, and especially the Outsider, cannot be denied.  The great thing about Colin Wilson is that he discovered an important trend among the important people of the West, and analyzed it with the content of literary works in mind.  He has given correct examples but the result is wrong everywhere.  This tragedy is characterized by a lack of scale of values.

    However, the problem with the outsider is that he has become a stranger in society, he has lost his identity.  Therefore, his first need is to relocate himself in the society so that his identity can be determined.  But the question is, how and by whom does he do it?  He does not have the standard of values, he has a connection with society and conflict.  Now he has only one thing, his ego.  But Anna is a single thing, she needs a solid thing to use it.  Here the instincts, and especially the sexual instincts, come in handy, and that is because it is the basic instinct of man, and it is most likely to produce a solid experience.

     Now consider the quote from Colin Wilson.  The person identified in this quote is the hero of the novel and has no name.  Whatever deviant desire he has, and whatever deviant observation he has, is not limited to sex but has the desire to relocate himself behind it.  But just as one lie tells a hundred lies to man, so one deviation opens the door to a thousand deviations on man.  The result is that the said person does not need any woman but he needs each woman one by one, but the problem is that his problem is still not solved.  He stands where he stands.  It is not even right to stand there, it becomes more hollow than before, more barren than before and more alien than ever in society.  This is the fate of most human beings in the modern West.

     It is no coincidence that there has been a time in the West when a kind of false romance has been associated with sexual perversions, and there the importance of Hindu yogis and Russians has increased, and the notion that "Nirvana"  One of the ways is to have sex.  This trend gained momentum during the hippie movement.  The question is, if sex is just an appetite and sexual deviations in the West are merely the result of turning away from religion and morality, then why is it that a kind of false romance has been associated with sex?  The answer is that behind this trend was Anna's game, which aimed to find and determine the lost identity of the individual.  But in this way the lost identity of the individual could not be recovered, nor could it be determined, nor could the alienation of the individual be eliminated.  So this movement was reduced to ashes in its fire.  But this was the first stage of sexual perversion in the West and the second stage was yet to come.

    The second destination is right now.  This destination can be called the spread of 'homosexuality'.  Homosexuality is not a new phenomenon in human history.  The people of Lot deserved divine punishment because of this ugly act, but in any case it was just a problem of one nation.  But in the West it has become a problem of an entire civilization.  There is no country in the West where this trend has not continued.  In this regard, it is enough to look at some of the statistics of the United States.

     According to a survey in 1994, only 32% of people admitted to having a homosexual in their family or friends, but in 1998 the number increased to 41%.  In 1978, homosexuality was acceptable to only 35% of people, but in 1998, it became acceptable to 52% of people, provided that homosexuals do not belong to the respondents.  In 1994, the number of people who were willing to allow homosexuals to teach in schools was 42%, but in 1998, the number increased to 52%.

     There are different reactions to these trends in the Western world.  Some people think that the understanding and tolerance of the society is increasing and therefore there is room for homosexuals.  However, some believe that the spread of homosexuality is the ultimate goal of the demise of Western civilization.

     Given this situation, the Western world seems to be immersed in sex, the general opinion is the same, but the fact is that homosexuality is a declaration of sexual aversion, but also a denial of sex, and it has a deep connection with the issue.  We point to the concept of Colin Wilson and his Outsider.

    The anonymous character Colin Wilson identifies with in a novel begins the process of re-locating himself with "Woman."  But very soon a woman changes into every woman.  But as we have suggested, the problem is still not solved, because it cannot be solved that way.  So it is only natural to be disillusioned with this whole experience.  One of the consequences of indifference may be that man rejects the whole circle and turns to another, but this is possible only when man has a measure of values.  But since values ​​do not exist, the journey of the Western man is from one inferiority to another inferiority.  At this stage ego and instinct and their complementary sphere are also negated, only one mechanical motion remains.  Therefore, it is not surprising that the concept of sex presented by the West through literature, non-literature and movies, sex seems to be a performance rather than a human action.  Just like the performance of a gymnast, a cricketer, a professional speaker.  Inhumanity in the name of humanity, disgust in the name of pleasure, and such severe imprisonment in the name of freedom are not found anywhere in the whole of human history.  The question is, what will be the next destination for the West in terms of sexual perversion?  It is safe to say that there are only two possibilities: the complete end of Western civilization or a new beginning.  A beginning that would be a denial of one's totality.  But it is also important to point out a sub- but important stimulus to the problem under discussion.

     The West strongly opposes the separation of men and women under the concept of freedom, and believes that only the mixing of men can create the social harmony that is the ascension of civilization.  We have strong objections to this notion from a moral and social point of view, and it is said that mixing men and women gives rise to all the evils that are so common in Western societies today.  These objections are true, but there is one aspect of the problem that goes unnoticed.  The experience of Western societies has shown that the most horrific consequence of mixing men and women there is that a large number of men have lost some degree of masculinity, and a large number of women have lost their femininity.  That is to say, more or less the psyche of men has entered into the psyche of men, and the psyche of men has entered into the psyche of women.  The evils that come from mixing men are horrible, but they can be remedied, they can be overcome.  But if a man loses his masculinity, and a woman loses her femininity, it is a loss that cannot be compensated.  It is an imbalance that does not seem to be recovering.  This situation has certainly played a significant role in promoting homosexuality in the West.

    The West is terrified of religion, and especially of Islam in the legal relationship between a man and a woman, or the institution of marriage.  The status of Islam is not more than a slave, but the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said that I like three things in the world: prayer, woman and perfume.  It is a concept that is not shared by any religion or civilization.  A thousand things can be said in the interpretation of this concept, but they will never be mentioned again.

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