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    Wake up world

    UN Secretary-General Anthony Guterres warned world leaders and the international community at the 76th annual meeting of the United Nations that the planet and all of humanity was on the brink of disaster. "We have very little time, we need to work on an urgent and urgent basis for the security of this planet, for the security of every living thing on it and for the survival of humanity, otherwise nothing will be left," he said. The Secretary-General added that the world should wake up, now is not the time to talk, work and only work time. 

    Time is running out to save the planet and humanity 

    If we waste this precious time in our shortcomings, crookedness and pursuit of political interests, then nothing will come of it. The world must keep its eyes open. In his historic address, Secretary-General Anthony Guterres elaborated on the rapidly deteriorating environment, climate change, the spread of epidemics, poverty, growing backwardness, the widening gap between poverty and wealth, and other sensitive global issues.

    More than 100 heads of state, ministers, intellectuals, journalists, experts, and observers attended the 193rd anniversary of the 193-member UN body. During the 76th Annual Session of the three weeks, members of various companies, global food issues, famine in African countries, drought, climate change, epidemics, especially the ongoing devastation of Code-19, and other sensitive issues. Negotiating issues. The most talked-about topic was the environment. 

    Some diplomats and experts are disappointed that the monopoly capitalist companies and industrialists who support the leaders of some countries of the world have turned a blind eye to this fact and have been rejecting the fact that there is no threat to the planet's environment. Is. These circles say that this is a natural system that has been going on for millions of years. Climate change is natural and there is no human intervention. Some scientists and experts are deliberately creating this problem and frightening the world. 

    Those with this view also had the backing of former US President Donald Trump. Former President Trump has ridiculed the issue of open climate change, calling it the brainchild of some scientists and experts. Leading intellectual Noam Chomsky has sharply criticized former President Trump in this regard.

    In fact, according to reports and surveys published on the rise in pollution, the United States accounts for 25% of the total pollution, followed by China, Brazil and India. The United States is the largest user of natural coal, natural gas and oil, followed by China, but these two major powers have been ignoring the issue of environmental degradation and pollution for their own benefit.

    In his speech, UN Secretary-General Anthony Guterres directly criticized the world leaders and revealed that all the leaders had signed the Kyoto Protocol at the World Environment Conference in Paris in recent years. He promised to do his best to reduce pollution by 20 to 30 percent in the next ten years, but unfortunately, instead of reducing pollution, another 8 to 12 percent increase came into effect. The Secretary-General's tone was emotional as he spoke on the issue.

    A group of diplomats and observers have been voicing clear concerns and objections to the issue of climate change, including the organization's performance. It has always failed, but there is a great deal between the world situation and the United Nations, which is reassuring in the sense that it proves useful in some places, but not everywhere, such as in the wars between Serbia and Bosnia. Liberated the people of Serbia from terrorism.

    However, at the recent UN General Assembly, US President Joe Biden also made some bitter remarks, including on the issue of pollution, human rights and violations of democratic rights, equal rights of nations and so on. The battles facing humanity and the enormous dangers they face have been repeated over and over again, but no serious steps have been taken to address these sensitive and dangerous issues. Much has been said about the testing and proliferation of nuclear weapons in the sixties and seventies, with large-scale protests and seminars, but now the tests and preparations for intercontinental ballistic missiles are commonplace and more countries have joined the race, including North Korea. India and China are prominent. North Korean President Barack Obama, for example, has been threatening to hit the United States directly if necessary, and this is not wrong. North Korea has made significant progress in developing intercontinental ballistic missiles, followed by India.

    It should be noted that the former Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s when its nuclear weapons, missiles and other sophisticated weapons were sold by global smuggling groups to other countries, even to Russian nuclear and space scientists. They were kidnapped and sold to other countries, and the countries that were already in ambush bought the abducted scientists. Some Russian scientists had already fled the Soviet Union and taken refuge in Western countries.

    What the UN Secretary-General said in his speech was correct: We have less time to wake up the world. The world is on the brink of disaster but we are sticking to our old ways. The world now seems to be gradually splitting in two directions. This is a more dangerous situation. Then there is the fact that the environmental threats have increased so much that both global warming and global cooling have emerged as major threats.

    In addition to the UN Secretary-General, heads of state and government have also spoken out about increasing the environment and pollution. It may be recalled that in 2015, former US President Barack Obama had invited Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of the Catholic religion, to the United States and Pope Francis made important remarks during his five-day visit to the United States. Former President Obama took Pope Francis on a tour of the North Pole. Later, Pope Francis addressed the inaugural session of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, in which the pope, in addition to his traditional speech, made some important points in front of everyone, in which he said that the world is facing most delicate and terrible problems. There are three very important and dangerous ones.

    Climate change is a very serious problem. Global warming in which the world is burning and poverty due to backwardness, the world's large population is exhausted and is facing many problems. If the world does not pay immediate attention to these serious problems, then more terrible problems will engulf the whole of humanity. Describing what he saw at the North Pole, Pope Francis said: "I cannot believe that the ice on the mountains of the North Pole has melted more than half over the centuries. Many mountains look like rocky ice. 

    The great glaciers of the North Pole are melting and flowing in the oceans due to global warming and the sea level is gradually rising. This whole situation is a moment of concern for this planet and all humanity. Environmental studies that were conducted in the year 2020 clearly show that the temperature of the planet has increased by 1.3 degrees in the last three years. Climate change further rages in China. Unexpectedly severe floods, torrential rains, even two barrage dams in northwestern China have swept away crops and destroyed dozens of villages in the region. The damage was done.

    Extreme levels of flood danger were announced in India's northeastern provinces, with flash floods and torrential rains causing extensive damage to property and flooding hundreds of people. More than 1,200 people were killed. A week-long public holiday has been declared in the affected area, with the "hatway" wreaking havoc in the northern United States. Some parts of the central region have been hit hard by the heatwave, which has forced the Kuwaiti government to declare an eight-day public holiday. 

    That was last year's record. A comprehensive overview of the devastation caused by global cooling to the planet is included in the report. In countries near the region, temperatures dropped to minus forty to fifty-five.

    The societies of developing countries have poverty, backwardness, low literacy and also intellectual backwardness. Yet most developing countries are not even fully aware of the environment, climate change and increasing pollution, because the poor people of these societies are entangled in their economic woes, including inflation, disease, injustice and other issues. Look around and be aware of the heavens and the earth.

    On the other hand, the African countries Sudan and Ethiopia have a long history of civil war and strife. Political turmoil in Sudan and riots between linguistic, regional groups. Recently, the Sudanese armed forces announced the imposition of martial law in the country, but thousands of people took to the streets and the country was in danger of a major clash and bloodshed, so the martial law failed. Linguistic and regional divisions have created serious political and economic turmoil in Sudan. 

    Sudan is already divided, with its effects on neighboring Ethiopia and sub-Saharan Africa. In this regard, the UN Secretary-General recently warned that a major humanitarian catastrophe could take place in the region if the African Union and other agencies fail to address the ongoing civil war and political turmoil in Sudan. "If we abandon peace, moderation and understanding, anything can happen and whatever happens will be bad for all humanity," he added.

    In fact, all the reviews and reports that are coming out now are urging the world to be vigilant and reduce pollution, and each report states that "Doomsday Clock" has also issued a warning that the world's There is no room for further negligence, misguidance and negligence. Immediate action is needed to reduce pollution to improve the environment and prevent climate change. This was stated by several members of the United Nations and the Head of State in their speeches. 

    He acknowledged that the world and all of humanity are facing serious challenges that have never been seen before in human history and all expressed their deep concern over these issues. Finally, at the end of the 76th Annual Conference of the United Nations, the President of the World Organization, President Muhammad Saleh, in his speech, said, "There have been many speeches, discussions and debates, seminars, etc. There is not much time to save humanity, now only action is needed.

    "Today, the polarized world needs to unite and come together on a common platform, but the people of most countries are under the control of undemocratic governments or semi-democratic rulers," wrote American environmentalist Mashreel Joneson in an article. Is in dire need of a genuinely democratic process. Without democracy, no society can develop today. In fact, authoritarian rulers and their followers have the biggest hand in the many problems that plague the world today. Democratic governments can solve the problems that the world is facing today through the struggle of the people.

    On the other hand, the map is the opposite. The upper classes of societies and beyond, the world's most prosperous handful of so-called monopoly capitalists, have an abundance of capital, occupying 64% of the world's total wealth, while 34 More than eight billion people depend on 5% capital. Recent reports on environmental degradation and climate change are also not positive or welcome. 

    Forest fires in California and wildfires in Australia were the cause of global warming, yet some quarters deny the fact that global warming is a serious problem for the world. He described the centuries-old natural system as part of it and said that there was no human intervention in climate change. Some quarters have been spreading this propaganda. In fact, multinational corporations will not give up the way they are running their horses for development, competition and more competition.

    To build an environmentally friendly society and reduce pollution, the world will have to reduce its luxuries and make lifestyle changes. The use of cars, refrigerators, air conditioners and other electrical appliances in the world has increased fivefold in the last fifty years. The use of natural fuels in industrial plants, railways and airplanes has been increasing at the same rate, while the irrational adventures of terrorism have inflicted innumerable wounds on humanity.

    The irony is that the rapid growth of the world's population has led people to snatch each other's food. It is said that most of the countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia are being severely affected by the shortage of food. ۔ Recent studies have also drawn attention to this. The use of polluted water and garbage from industrial plants and ships into the oceans poses a serious threat to aquatic life. 

    According to experts, half of the world's aquatic life has become extinct, including some valuable and rare aquatic species, which are now extinct. In such a case, it would not be wrong to say that human lust, selfishness and inconsistency, did not spare even the land, the sea and the atmosphere.

    The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) said in a recent report that India was warned in 2005 that an increase in pollution in India kills between five and six million babies a year before birth. It has been reported that various diseases are becoming common in India due to the growing trend of smoking and substandard food. In another study, the World Health Organization (WHO) found that most countries, including European countries, are experiencing an increase in pollution, especially air pollution, which is reducing the average life expectancy by five to seven years. The European Union's environmental watchdog has suggested to the World Health Organization that a special tax be imposed on aircraft in Europe.

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