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    The structure of the human brain: 7 amazing discoveries about the brain

    Can your brain light up? Yes, your brain made up of 100 billion cells has enough power to easily light a 10-megawatt bulb. Today we are going to tell you seven amazing facts about the structure of the human brain.

    (1) The human brain can also see through the ears

    The first of these 7 amazing facts about the brain is that the structure of the human brain is such that it can be seen even with the ears. The part of the brain that controls the eye in normal people works by listening to the corpus callosum in congenital blinds. It is common to see that the ears of congenitally blind people are very sharp.

    This was revealed in a 2011 study comparing the brains of people with blind and normal eyes.

    (2) The human brain consumes 30% of food

    The second of these 7 amazing facts about the brain is that the structure of the human brain is such that although the brain accounts for 3% of body weight, it consumes 20 to 30% of the energy and nutrients involved in the blood. It is like a greedy child who keeps asking for food. But at the same time, his brain is very sharp. The human brain is faster than any computer in the world. Information received from hands and feet travels to the brain at a speed of 150 miles per hour.

    (3) In love, the lamp burns in the human mind

    The third of these 7 amazing facts about the brain is that the structure of the human brain is such that when a person is in love, the scans of the brain taken in this state light up. The light of the brain is lit. Is.

    MRI scans of romantic love can show clear movement in place of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with a person's sense of happiness.

    (4) The human brain continues to change even after birth

    The fourth of these 7 amazing facts about the brain is that the structure of the human brain is such that the human brain keeps changing even after birth. It keeps getting arranged.

    The nerve cells in the brain are constantly changing. These nerve cells change according to their development in the first year of human life. Some very young children who have brain resections, eventually recover completely. The skeletal parts of the tongue are given.

    (5) The human brain cannot feel pain

    The fifth of these 7 amazing facts about the brain is that the structure of the human brain is such that the human brain cannot feel pain at all. You may have noticed that some neurosurgeons are operating on patients without anesthesia because the brain cannot feel pain on its own. Yes, the muscles and skin around the brain do feel pain. If so, he will never say that he has pain in his brain.

    (6) Short-term memory lasts only 20 to 30 seconds

    The sixth of these 7 amazing facts about the brain is that the structure of the human brain is such that human short-term memory lasts only 20 to 30 seconds.

    It often happens to you that you are saying something but for some reason, you get disturbed but after that, you completely forget what you were saying before. This is because the brain has very little ability to keep small information in the active mind.

    (7) Your brain is much smaller than the brain of your ancestors

    The seventh of these 7 amazing facts about the brain is that the structure of the human brain is such that your brain is much smaller than the brains of your ancestors. This sounds weird and scary but that's the reality.

    The scientific study of human fossils reveals the fact that our brains are shrinking. Evidence from every human-populated continent proves this.

    Some scientists believe that the contraction of the brain is due to the fact that our body has been shrinking for the last 10,000 years to this day. So the smaller the body, the smaller the brain. It's about being small, not having a mental capacity.

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