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    The conspiracy theories still spreading after 20 years

    One day in 2005 I passed Ground Zero. This was the place in New York where four years ago two towers of clouds stood, raising two heads of America's economic growth, proud symbols, which have now disappeared from New York's 'Skyline' like a child drawing with a raw pencil. I have erased a part of the picture with rubber.

    Near the piles of rubble, some people were standing with pamphlets, brochures and CDs in their hands, and were distributing the food as if they were distributing a restaurant menu.

    I opened a colorful brochure and tried to illustrate with pictures and charts how the events of 9/11 were a great conspiracy and the hand of America was behind it.

    On the one hand, there was a man holding a whistle and giving a very passionate speech, the gist of which was that there were no hijackers, no hijackers.

    A few months later, guests were shown a DVD at a party in Washington, D.C., in a desperate attempt to prove that the Israeli secret service, Mossad, was behind the plot to accuse Muslims. 

    It turned out that in addition to these booklets and DVDs, dozens of books have been written, there are thousands of videos on YouTube and millions of websites on the Internet that have been propagating these conspiracy theories for the last 20 years.

    Apparently, these conspiratorial ideologies should have diminished with the passage of time, but this did not happen and with the advent of social media, these ideologies have increased.

    A lot of evidence is presented in this regard and attempts are made to prove that there was a big conspiracy behind this incident.

    The U.S. government formed a bipartisan commission that included five Democrats and five Republicans in Congress, among other staff.

    The commission had extraordinary powers and had unlimited access to legal US intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, government departments, government and non-government experts.

    It reviewed 2.5 million documents over a 20-month period, interviewing more than 1,200 people. In addition, several US departments, universities and other experts have issued reports on the subject.

    We will use these authoritative sources to see how far these conspiracy theories lie.

    1 How did the clumsy hijackers so skillfully deliver ships to the right targets?

    Four pilots who have never flown a commercial jet in their lives, how could they so skillfully fly a highly sophisticated commercial jet hundreds of miles to reach the exact target?

    The answer is that the hijackers who hijacked each plane had one pilot.

    The ship that crashed into the World Trade Tower North was driven by Muhammad Ata and the ship that crashed into the South Tower was driven by Marwan al-Shahi. Both had commercial pilot's licenses.

    The most trained pilot was Hani Hanjoor, whose most difficult task was to hit the Pentagon. He had both commercial and private licenses.

    The least trained pilots were more surgeons, who had only a private license. They were on Flight 93, which crashed in the fields of Pennsylvania.

    Another important point is that the most difficult task for a pilot is to lift the plane off the runway and land it, turning the plane in the air or lowering it is not a difficult task.

    Every plane has GPS as far as reaching the right destination.

    If only the coordinates of a place are given then the plane automatically flies to that place.

    Even on the day of 9/11, the pilots used the automatic system to bring the planes closer to the target.

    2 Why didn't the US Air Force shoot down the plane?

    The United States is said to have warships traveling at twice the speed of sound that could reach anywhere in minutes and shoot down any ship suspected to be a key building. Are about to be targeted.

    In fact, the mainland United States had never been hit by an air strike before in its history, so the American war machinery was not ready for it at all.

    On September 11, only 14 fighter jets were ready to fly across the United States, but they had no idea how to deal with such an extraordinary situation.

    The hijackers, on the other hand, did the first thing after taking control, shutting down the aircraft's transponder, the tracker, which made it extremely difficult to track them down.

    Then on the morning of September 11, 4500 planes were flying in the American air. Finding four of these ships was more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

    Moreover, the pilot of any fighter jet does not have the authority to shoot down a plane full of passengers.

    The final decision was made by US President George W. Bush at 10:20 a.m., but by then the last plane had crashed 17 minutes later. President Bush also made this decision in an extraordinary emergency that the United States has been attacked.

    3 How did such a huge building collapse when the plane crashed?

    This conspiracy theory is also very common. It is claimed that jet fuel burns at 1,200 degrees Celsius, while the steel used in both towers has a melting point of 1,500 degrees. Therefore, it is not possible for the steel to melt, causing the towers to collapse.

    If you have heated the butter on the stove, you will have noticed that the butter cube loses its solidity and hardness long before it is completely melted.

    The same is true of steel, it does not need a full 1500 degrees to lose its hardness and strength. According to experts, at 1000 degrees, 90% of the strength of steel is lost.

    When the first plane hit the tower, its speed was 700 kilometers per hour. It pierced the six floors of the building.

    The other plane twisted and collided at a speed of 840 kmph, destroying eight floors. At the time, each ship colliding with the towers contained about 37,000 liters of fuel.

    After colliding with the buildings, the fuel caught fire and all this burning fuel flowed to the central part of the building where the main pillars of steel supporting the building were.

    This fuel melted the steel, of course not, but it did soften it like wax. Then, due to the destroyed floors, the immense load of the building increased from above, and gradually the whole structure collapsed to the ground.

    4 Do clouds of smoke rising from the building indicate bombs?

    If you watch the video of buildings collapsing, the roosters from them spread rapidly, giving the impression that bombs may be exploding inside them.

    The fact is that any building consists of large and small rooms filled with air. As the upper floors of the towers began to collapse, their load fell on the lower floors.

    As you put your foot on an empty container of juice, the air comes out of it quickly, just like the air of the lower floors and the smoke and dust from them start coming out in the form of explosions.

    5 How did dozen people make phone calls from planes?

    The plane is said to be flying at such an altitude that it is not possible for the occupants to make calls with the help of phone towers on the ground, so how can dozens of people make calls from hijacked planes?

    The answer is that the commercial aircraft flew at a maximum altitude of 12 km, while the hijacked 9/11 aircraft were flying a much shorter distance.

    According to mobile phone technology experts, the quality of phone calls from aircraft is definitely poor, and calls can be dropped repeatedly, but phone calls from aircraft are not impossible. That's why only Flight 93 to 36 made phone calls.

    6 No Jew killed at the World Trade Center

    The news was first broadcast on September 18 by a Lebanese TV channel, Al-Manar, that 9/11 was actually carried out by Israel, which had already warned 4,000 Jews working at the World Trade Center that He will be discharged on September 11.

    Al-Manar broadcast this news without any reference, any evidence or argument but this news spread like wildfire and many people still believe it. Nine years after the incident, former Iranian President Ahmadinejad repeated the same thing.

    The religious record of citizens is not kept in the United States, but Canter Fitzgerald, a trade center company, held a mourning service for 390 of its employees, 49 of whom were Jewish.

    Its rate is close to 12%. The New York Times reports from the Medical Examiner's Office that about 400 Jews were killed in the two towers.

    7 No Pentagon ship, missile collided

    French journalist Thierry Messan's famous book, Nine Eleven: The Big Lie (9/11: Big Lie), claims that the plane did not collide with the Pentagon, but was hit by a missile.

    This is due to the fact that the length and breadth of the ship was 125 feet and 155 feet, while the hole in the walls of the Pentagon was only 60 feet wide.

    First of all, hundreds of people saw the plane crash into the building, even recognizing that it was an American Airlines plane.

    The plane's black box, landing gear, tires, passenger remains and thousands of other items were found at the scene, and the remains of many passengers were also identified with the help of DNA. The only consequence is that the plane crashed.

    These are conspiracy theories that try to prove that Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11.

    But Osama bin Laden's associates themselves have accepted responsibility before 9/11 and Osama bin Laden after 9/11. There is no justification for this. Watch this video in which Osama bin Laden explains in great detail why he attacked 9/11 and what were the motives behind it.

    Now the question is why do people immediately believe in these conspiracy theories, and even start propagating them loudly?

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