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    How's the new James Bond movie "No Time to Die"

    The 25th film in the James Bond series and the fifth and seemingly last film of Daniel Craig's James Bond Zero Zero Seven as Daniel Craig has been showing in American cinemas since October 8.

    The two-hour, the 43-second film has so far grossed over 120 million at the box office, with a total gross of  300 million.

    Presented by Metro Golden Meyer, the Bond film "No Time to Die" is a full-fledged action movie that delights moviegoers from beginning to end.

     The film manages to entertain as well as inform.

    This is the only film in the James Bond series in which James Bond is portrayed as an emotional man instead of a ruthless murderer, luxuriant and flirtatious person.

    Her friendship with CIA agent Felix Lighter, her love for Madeleine Swan (heroin), her affectionate relationship with her daughter, and Bond's sad and happy feelings on various occasions are just a few examples.

    The story of this film is that James Bond has left his job of 'Double O Seven' and is living a quiet life in a luxurious area of ​​Europe.

    However, his old enemies find him again. At the same time, an old friend of Bond's, Felix Lighter, who belongs to the CIA and with whom he became friends in the days of Casino Royale, persuades James to be sent on a mission.

    The story of the film begins as soon as James Bond, who has left the job of the agent of the British spy agency MI Sex, double O Seven, accepts this mission.

    The story and characters of this action-packed film revolve around the last five films, so anyone who has not seen the previous episodes of James Bond as Daniel Craig cannot easily understand it.

    Felix, Mandela, the head of MIX, M, and James's special assistants, Cue, and Minnie Penny, are characters who have worked with Daniel in previous James Bond episodes.

    The ending of 'Not Time to Die' is very different from the previous episodes which have confused the fans of the James Bond series and they can't say with certainty about the upcoming episode of this series. Will Daniel Craig reappear as James Bond or not?

    Sphinx, the main villain of No Time to Die, once said to James Bond, "Need has made us both murderers. You have a license to kill someone, but I have reasons to kill someone. The goal is one, to make the world a better place to live. "

    However, the story of the film manages to bring Safin to a logical conclusion and shows that evil is evil in every form.

    Daniel Craig's new James Bond film was released in 2006 as Casino Royale. This was followed by Quantum of Solace in 2008, Skyfall in 2012 and Specter in 2015, which were well received by the public.

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