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    How to explain to your children about your divorce or separation

    When differences between husband and wife reach such a level that it is impossible to live together, divorce is often the only way out. In such a case, the most difficult task is to explain to the children why we parents are separating. Most children under the age of ten live with their mother while older children know their opinion about who they would like to live with ... Children live with anyone but they are aware of it. It is important to note that this separation is only between parents ... it has nothing to do with children ... and for children, both will remain the same ... Here are some tips to help you get started:

     Take the fear out of your child's heart

    Children are often frightened that the separation of their parents will ruin their lives. The most important thing for this is to put all the hatred for your partner on one side from your mind and tell the child openly why it was difficult with him. It will not hurt your partner in any way ... it will take the fear out of the child's heart that this separation is due to him ... because most of the children think that maybe he is the reason for this divorce. ... Answer all the child's questions with great satisfaction and love ... because it is twice as difficult for him as it is for you ... don't stop talking to your partner about the child so that the child Don't feel that he is missing one of the parents.

     Teach to love relationships

    Usually, children who have such a situation in their life, start getting nervous about relationships. If you live with your mother, then the father or the men hate your gender, or if you live with your father, then the women start to feel bad or fear sets in ... Explain to the children respect and importance of every relationship. Create a positive atmosphere at home where there is more love between home, family and relationships ... Bring some books or watch documentaries together where love and affection are told in relationships. It is not necessary to talk to your child about his father or mother but to listen to him with kindness and enthusiasm. And to participate.

     Don't feel sorry

    Thinking that now your child is with a single parent, do not make him poor or feel sorry for yourself ... this feeling will create a feeling of inferiority in the child and will stop him from moving forward. Repeatedly tell the child that he is strong, that he is a responsible citizen, that he is living a normal life. For this, do not be lenient in the rules made at home. Keep a balance between reading, playing and screen time and don't indulge unnecessarily.

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