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    Early Anatolian civilization, Statue of Aphrodite

    These lands are home to the first beauty contest in history. Rumor has it that this battle between the gods took place four thousand years ago. Aphrodite persuades the referee to be named the most beautiful of the goddesses. This will start the Trojan War, but it will also get the title of "Beautiful Goddess".

    The name "Aphrodite" has been associated for hundreds of years with the concept of the world's most beautiful woman, perfect proportions and perfection, and is recognized by these concepts. Many temples and numerous idols have been built in the name of the goddess. Today, we will tell you about the "Datcha Nedos Aphrodite Sculpture", one of the first sculptures in the history of art.

    Aphrodite is known in Greek mythology as the goddess of love or beauty. She is the protector of those engaged in marine activities and also the goddess of fertility, fertility and fertility. The famous sculptor of the time, Proxtiles, made a sculpture for the people of the marine society. The "Statue of Aphrodite of Kennedy", also known as "The Naked Aphrodite", is the world's first "statue of a naked woman" and is, therefore, a monument. Although the female and female bodies would transform into objects in the form of the goddess Aphrodite in the years to come, this was the best work of the sculptor Proxtiles for that period.

    Up to that time, only statues of the Greek gods, ie men, were made, and the goddesses were sculpted with their clothes. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with pornography ... It was a masculine body that was perfect for Hellenic civilization, a masculine society, and its manifestations were evident in its myths. So there was nothing wrong with that. Women's bodies were considered incomplete, so they were shown dressed.

    The statue of Aphrodite is the first example of a new theme in the history of art, but it does not stop there. This work points to the fact that women will begin to participate in Hellenic society. It will impress many artists for centuries, not only in sculpture but also in painting, poetry, novels and film, and through Aphrodite, the female body will be idealized.

    Aphrodite is a goddess and, far beyond earthly beauty, is a unique reflection of divine beauty. The sculpture is a manifestation of this idea and it comes to life. Aphrodite Nedos is one of the masterpieces of ancient art. Even some authors of the time describe this aesthetic marvel as a "masterpiece worth seeing throughout the ancient world." Aphrodite Nedosko is portrayed by her art as she prepares to take a bath. Therefore, it has a religious meaning because the act of washing is an obligatory ritual, as is the case with all other fertility goddesses.

    The people of Nedos hope for help from Aphrodite, who protects the sailors. So the statue is placed at a height in the temple area in Nedos where sailors can see it from any angle. They believe they can see dangerous routes, helping them take refuge in the harbor during stormy weather. Sailors who see the statue feel safe. Experts say the temple must have been built in a very unusual shape, circular so that the statue could be seen from all sides. The building, also called the Aphrodite Temple, is known as the "Round Temple". However, this is nothing more than speculation because this famous statue, which has been searched for a long time, was not found anywhere in the temple or anywhere else in Canada. Researchers have notes about those who Visited the site at the time, coins and wall paintings of Aphrodite found in the excavations, which are believed to belong to this temple.

    Before we move on to the other eye-catching structures of Nedos, we would like to talk a little bit about this city. Today, Nedos, one of the most remote cities on the Datcha Peninsula, was one of the most important commercials, cultural and artistic cities of antiquity. It was also very important from a maritime point of view because it is located at a point where the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea meet. It was the stopping place for ships heading from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. It was indispensable for the supply and comfort of goods and merchandise. With its safe natural harbors, it will come to the rescue of sailors in bad weather conditions. Initially, the city consisted of the mainland and the island of Cape Crew, now called Camel Neck. Therefore, the geographer of that time, Strabob defined it as "a twin city." The port is used for military purposes as it is more of a haven, while in the south the port is reserved for merchant ships. ۔

    Buildings in the ancient city of Nedoske are covered by rooftops due to the rugged terrain. We have briefly mentioned the "Round Temple" or the Temple of Aphrodite which was built on the dominant site of the city. Nedoske has other wonderful structures, which are used as shops and shopping malls. In addition, one of the largest ancient tombs, the burial ground, is located in the city.

    The city that stands with its wealth and splendor is returned many times. This looting continues even as time passes and completes its cycle! Some people want to take the things they want to their country and become rich, some have trouble finding a special thing, a statue of Aphrodite and gaining fame. Excavations carried out in the 19th and 20th centuries were brutal, which greatly damaged the search for Nidos treasures; the finds were smuggled abroad. Notable for its size, weight and high artistic value, the "Lion of Nidus" and a statue of the fertile deity carved in real human dimensions are on display in London.

    The sculptor Praktilis, who broke new ground by sculpting Aphrodite, made the city a popular tourist destination. Let us briefly share the other names that played an important role in making Nedoske an important city not only in art but also in science and culture. Odysseus, the mathematician, astronomer and philosopher of Nedos, was the first to present the structure of the universe as a mathematical model. Sostratus, the architect of Alexandria's lighthouse in Egypt, lives in Nedos, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The one who founded the second largest medical school of his time was a contemporary and rival of Hippocrates.

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